THREE ─ [ . : 。✿ ] white camellia

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white camellia flowers represent innocence and admiration. they
can also carry the message:
you're adorable . . .


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*. : 。✿ * ゚ * .: 。 ✿ * ゚  * . : 。 ✿ *

FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 2018

Once the pizza arrived, each member of the house piled on into the kitchen to grab a couple slices. After making their plates, the group dissipated, each going off to do their own thing.

(Y/N) wandered into the dining room, and took a seat at the table.

As Elijah walked back into the kitchen to grab something to drink, he paused for a moment, seeing his new housemate. He stepped into the dining room slowly. "I think Lori and Silas are putting on a movie in the living room," he informed her casually. "Did you wanna join them and eat in there?"

(Y/N) looked up and smiled, before waving him off. "Oh, thanks, but no," she said. "I just──  I have this little quirk where I can't eat on furniture. Like it has to be a dining table, or at least a kitchen counter or something."

Elijah was never one to ask too many questions, so he nodded. "Alright, fair enough," he said, and continued onto go grab a drink.

She assumed that was the end of it, and resumed eating. But, much to her surprise, Elijah returned a couple moments later, Dr. Pepper can in one hand, and plate in the other. He took a seat across from her, and began eating without comment.

She smiled softly to herself.

As they continued eating in silence, Aziza and Naoki both passed by, and stopped in a similar fashion to Elijah.

"Wow, I think this is the first time we've actually used this table to eat," Naoki commented.

"Well, it's not a bad idea," Aziza shrugged, and took a seat beside Elijah. Naoki followed suit, and slid into the chair to the left of (Y/N).

Moments later, Lori popped her head in. "D'aww, look at you guys! Eating together like a family," she cooed. "I want in!" She stepped in and sat down on the other side of (Y/N).

The new housemate looked around. This was nice. She hoped it would be a good opportunity to get to know her new roommates. Still, it wasn't quite right. She stood from her chair, drawing the attention of the others at the table. "I'm gonna go grab Silas, see if he wants to join us." Everyone being included was something that was always very important to (Y/N), and she intended on keeping that up with the people she now lived with.

Moments later, she returned with Silas. She sat back down in her chair, while Silas took a seat to the right of Elijah.

"So what brings us all to the table?" Lori asked, looking around. She definitely wasn't complaining about the arrangement; she actually quite liked the idea. But it was an entirely new one to her and to the group in general.

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