SEVEN ─ [ . : 。✿ ] red columbine

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red columbine flowers represent
anxiety and trembling . . .


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*. : 。✿ * ゚ * .: 。 ✿ * ゚ * . : 。 ✿ *

MONDAY, JUNE 4, 2018

Naoki wasn't sure what was wrong with him.

All night long, he hadn't been able to sleep. His mind kept drifting back to his new housemate. He saw her (E/C) eyes meeting his. He saw the way her lips formed around each word. He heard the light and soothing sound of her voice, and remembered how she used it to be intentionally kind and inclusive towards him. And he knew that it wasn't anything special for her. She wasn't motivated by any romantic feelings towards him. Somehow, that only made the moment stick to his brain more. She was kind when she had nothing to gain. In fact, the more he thought about it, the more he remembered more and more instances of her apparent selflessness. How she subtly encouraged each member of the house. How she'd been making meals for them without being asked at all. Just because she wanted to. She was sweet. Genuine. Selfless. And Naoki didn't know what to do with that.

His whole life, people had used love and affection of any kind as a weapon. As a tool to get what they wanted. His mom slept around to charm men into doing whatever she needed done, and had a seemingly unending supply of sugar daddies. His dad, on the other hand, used dating as a way of ignoring his feelings. He always threw himself into a new relationship whenever shit hit the fan. And when the love affair inevitably failed to fix his life, he dumped the woman and moved on.

It wasn't even just his parents. Everyone he had ever met saw others as a tool to get whatever they wanted. And Naoki himself was no exception. He'd been sleeping around since his sophomore year of high school, and dumping them as soon as they lost his interest. He never misled anybody. He always tried to make it clear that he wasn't looking for anything serious, so he didn't have to worry about anyone getting hurt.

If he were being honest, Naoki would admit he used sex as a means of escapism. As a way of ignoring just how lonely he really was. But he was never one for vulnerability, so he stuffed that truth deep down into his subconscious.

The problem was, he didn't want to sleep with (Y/N). Well, he did, but that wasn't all he wanted. He wanted to hold her hand. Take her on cute dates. Spend hours talking. Soak up all of that beautiful kindness she had like a sponge. He wanted to make her smile. Make her laugh... and make her stay with him.

But it wasn't a big deal, right? They were just roommates. Sure, he had these... feelings... but he chalked it up to a simple crush. That's all it was, right?

These feelings were bothersome. But he was certain they would go away. He'd forget all about these strange cravings, and go back to seeing (Y/N) as his roommate. They could be friends, just like she clearly wanted to be with all of them. Nothing more, nothing less.

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