SIXTEEN ─ [ . : 。✿ ] coreopsis

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coreopsis flowers represent sunny cheerfulness, and are commonly
used for pain relief . . .


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*. : 。✿ * ゚ * .: 。 ✿ * ゚  * . : 。 ✿ *

MONDAY, JUNE 18, 2018

"How the fuck do you win every game of Uno?"

(Y/N) laughed, not unlike the way a villain in a children's movie would. "Sorry, Naoki. I'm taking that secret with me to the grave."

Each of the six members of the house were gathered together in (Y/N)'s hospital room. The sight was pretty comical; each of them crowded around the tiny bedside table. There wasn't a lot of space, but none of them complained. They'd do anything to remain by her side.

Her roommates had spent most of the past three days visiting her for as long as hospital staff would allow, and had even taken off work today just to watch over her. They were doing all they could to distract her from the pain. Although she was doing better, she was still sore and pretty nauseous. But at least today was supposed to be the last day of the all-liquid diet that'd been annoying her to no end. Her roommates promised to provide her with whatever meal she wanted as soon as she was allowed.

"At least I only ended with nine cards this time," Lori said, always one to try to stay positive.

"Speak for yourself," Elijah sighed, setting his giant stack of cards down on the little table. "I ended with forty-two."

"Forty-two?" Silas repeated incredulously.

"How do you even get forty-two cards?" Aziza chimed in, setting her own stack of 20-something cards down on the table.

"Oh, that's nothing," (Y/N) waved them off. "One time back in, like, middle school, I was playing one-on-one with my neighbor──  he ended with 80 cards."

Elijah shook his head. "You've got to be cheating somehow."

"Nope, I'm just that good." (Y/N) grinned, then added, "...and competitive," with a shrug. She leaned back in her bed a little, still mostly sitting up but in a more comfortable position. "How do you even cheat at Uno anyway?"

"Oh, you can cheat at anything," Naoki said.

"Speaking from experience?" Lori accused lightheartedly.

"No──  well, not my experience," he shrugged. "One of my aunts had a gambling addiction, but she was the most unlucky person I'd ever met. So she always cheated."

"Even at Uno?" Silas asked with raised brows.

"At literally everything," Naoki confirmed. "Even when she was just playing Uno with me when I was, like, eight or something──  she'd point at a bird outside or whatever, and drop half of her cards in the discard." He shook his head. "Ah, I miss Aunt Ida..."

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