FOURTEEN ─ [ . : 。✿ ] marigold

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marigold flowers represent grief
and being faced with one's
own mortality . . .


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*. : 。✿ * ゚ * .: 。 ✿ * ゚  * . : 。 ✿ *

FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2018

'Alright, so far, seems like Elijah likes Aziza, Aziza likes Silas, Silas likes Lori, Lori likes Naoki, and Naoki's a fuckboy, so he kinda likes everyone.' (Y/N) shook her head. 'I mean, it's possible I'm reading this wrong. I guess I shouldn't assume.' She heaved a sigh, adjusting the bag on her shoulder to help ease the strain. 'I'm just worried it'll turn out exactly like last time. Fighting, heartbreak, and everyone leaving. I don't want anyone to leave. I like everything the way it is now. I'm lucky to have landed in such a nice roommate situation. I don't wanna this to get ruined. I don't wanna ruin this.'

The thought that it might be herself they were all in love with never once entered her head.

Honestly, she'd never really had anything serious romantically. She'd flown under the radar in high school, and had since only been on a few unbearably awful blind dates to appease her previous friend group. She'd never had any major crushes, and as far as she was aware, no one had ever even thought about her romantically.

But that reality had changed much quicker than she realized.

Her housemates seemed less subtle about their jealousy over the past few days──  glaring, making petty comments. It was stressing (Y/N) out a lot. That, combined with picking up a couple extra shifts with the other cashier being sick, and the store being so much busier than usual, the girl was exhausted.

So much so that she wasn't quite as aware of her surroundings as she should be.

She was walking to work, already lamenting over the day that was sure to exhaust her further. Fridays, weekends in general, tended to be way busier than the weekday shifts, so if the rest of the week hed been stressful, (Y/N) definitely wasn't expecting this to be any better.

In preparation, she'd dressed more comfortably than she typically would in the professional setting. Jasper and Matteo weren't really strict about the dress code, so long as it wasn't anything inappropriate or offensive. But with it being a local chain, and them relying on word of mouth, (Y/N) wanted to help out her friends by making a good impression in every way she could──  including dressing nicely. But today, she just didn't have it in her. So she was dressed in a black tank top and some cute black shorts with a white floral outline print. They were in the midst of an awful heat wave, and (Y/N) wanted nothing more than to stay cool and comfortable. She added a little white belt to make it seem more put-together, and deemed it good enough.

The walk was oddly quiet, not even a lot of people outside making noise with how hot it was outside. Typically, she had earbuds in while walking to work so she could listen to music. But lately, she'd been more paranoid, and had walked in silence. It made the trek to work so painfully boring, albeit pretty peaceful. But it helped her stay more alert. Except for today. Today, she was very distracted, thoughts swirling around her head like a hurricane. Her pepper spray was in her hand, but clutched lazily. God, she was so tired.

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