Chapter 2: The Autobiography

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???'s POV-->

There is a line of descendants that learned and taught the arts of breathing from one master to another who can harness a certain one fully. They knew the world's laws, cycles, and order try to find ways to be one with them for good even if they can't completely do it but rather make their own. Agility, endurance, strength, flexibility, ect.

After all, the Shizens are known to make up for what they don't have when it comes to naturally learning breathing techniques. I, Mijuri Shizen, am one after all.

When the duty is passed down to me at the age of sixteen, I began traveling to every estate and biome to increase the knowledge of each breathing in this very book that is passed down as well. At the age of 19, that is when I met the love of my life and soulmate thanks to Fate Breathing. Kajin Nijaku, the Hypno Hashira. He was quite the cold and mysterious kind, but I found it easy to see through him. During our years of courting, he promised to travel wherever I go until I fulfilled the duty only if I marry him. I love the man with my life, so I accepted, and we did so. We ran, bowed, and swam everywhere we could reach before I finally decided to settle. We had our hardships and complications, but I'm glad we did. They built us into the couple we are now as I'm writing. We understand each other and can connect like no other whether near or far.

After many tries, I finally have what I wanted ever since me and my husband got married. I am pregnant at 25. My father argued that is too old to have a baby, but it's just right for me. Besides, he should know better than to rush love after what he went through before having me.

Being excited for my baby's fortune and praying she will be on a peaceful journey like mine despite the cursed demons running around, we went to a fortune teller who can speak to angels. She is an old friend of mine and even joined in my adventures before leaving. When we reached her, Kajin had to calm me down before my anxiety ends up hurting our baby.

However, it turns out I have every right to worry. Tsiki-san told us our baby is in grave danger... because the demons saw me learn some blood arts and even turn to and from a demon without consequences. Muzan and the others... They are now targeting me and my family all because of my curiosities and duties. But within the mist of bad news are good ones as well. My baby girl will be the most powerful of all the Shizen descendants and play a big part in the war against the demons if I leave this world to another. I don't know how she knew I can do such a straining technique but also worried about it affecting the baby.

With no other options, we did as she said when we got back. But when our house is in my sights, it is ransacked and ruined. The crib broken, pictures shattered, holes in the walls. Even our neighbor who would visit us every once in a blue moon is dead and mutilated. Without a second thought, I made a portal to the world where everyone's stories are told. We jumped through just in time see red eyes in the midst of the trees. Muzan was waiting and was about to make us join our neighbor. He wants the threat dead so badly that he got out of his home.

The moment we landed, we learned where we are and made a living in this confusing world. Imagine this is the future if the monsters are eradicated. That thought put a smile on my face through the struggle. Even if I don't get to raise little Flora where she truly belongs and won't get scrutinized because of color and nationality, at least her childhood wouldn't be a lie nor a memory. We will not raise her as a weapon, but as a human. My human who deserves the best. I just hope my father doesn't come looking for us in our battered house.

Seven years later, when playing doctor with Flora, I've felt faint. I thought it was nothing but old age until I passed out and woke up in a hospital. My poor daughter was crying and worried sick about me, and even if my husband, whose good at hiding his emotions, his eyes look glossed over while holding a frown. With her little hands reaching up, she hugged my hand with nothing in it. However, Kajin just sat there staring at me as if I'm going to disappear. I gave him a look, and he simply sent my daughter away with a watery smile. We were alone; his facade dropped the moment his black eyes met mine.

To put it bluntly, I have two to three years to live due to pancreatic cancer. I told him to give me time to myself.

I wanted to scream at the heavens. I wanted to yank out the needle. I wanted to scream at the doctor. I wanted to punch a wall. Yet, I didn't, because at the end of the day, it was nobody and nothing's fault. I thought this is karma for learning something that shouldn't be learned by any human nor Shizen. With that in mind, I accepted my punishment with no scorn, but with open arms and a teary smile.

Considering how long I write when busy, I have messages for the most important people of my life.

To my friends, and family, thank you for sticking through me to the very end until I had to leave. I couldn't count how many times my stubbornness and selflessness got me in trouble for more than it's worth (U_U). Yes, that is an "emote" where I'm from. I figured since I can do it on a phone why can't I do it in my autobiography and messages? Anyways, I hope you don't go crying over me, because I will finally be seeing my descendants and some of my friends face to face up in the clouds. Make sure you keep smiling! (UuU)

To my husband, Quakey, and Mina, thank you for loving me for who I am and not my abilities or past. When I go, I want you to still show that same love and support to my daughter. Let her pursue her career, whatever she wants to do until you think it's time for her to go back and face her destiny. Love and cherish her as much as I would if I could if I had a decade on me (>u<). P.S, treat Quakey like your own. I'm keeping an eye on you! (>->)

Lastly, to my beautiful flower, Flora, I know that by the time you read this, I already passed, but know that I love you very dearly. And whatever decision you make, your father and I will support you whether or not you go back to the world of "Demon Slayer". We understand for the weight that will be put on your shoulders the moment you decide to is the heaviest to bear thus far within the line of Shizen descendants. I hate that out of all of them, you have to be the one to choose to bear it. However, the moment you first opened your eyes to the world, I knew that you will be more than strong enough to do so. Your father will raise you into a strong warrior. I only wish I would be there to see the transformation... Anyhow, remember we are all here for you dead or alive. As proof, we left the Shizen's Book, my headband, and you dad's choker to you. We love you, our beautiful flower!

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