Chapter 3: Fix My Mistake

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Narrator's POV-->

Mina and Quakey were about to daze off until they heard sniffing and whimpering. They glanced at each other before taking flight to comfort their future master. The redbone was still in the chair while the books dropped to the floor. Mina was the first to land in front of her.

'Did you read... everything?'
"...I did. I feel like my parents spoke my worries of being a failure away through writing. But...where I came from, what I'm meant for... is it true? Am I destined for such a massive luggage the moment I go back in a home I never seen with my own eyes?" She hiccupped piercing through her tears to see the pair.
'Yes. As much as we don't want that for you, it is true.'

The crows witnessed as her eyes went downcast. Mina flapped to her shoulder and nudged for her attention. Flora's brown eyes glanced to the side proving she has it.

'You are not alone if you choose to. We are here not only as your loyal subjects, but also as your friends! I don't think you remember, but when you were a baby, we would always keep an eye on you and entertain you until your parents are done with their job. As you grew older, we left as an order from your dad. He doesn't want you to die on the battlefield; you are his precious flower after all.'
"Hehe. That sounds like something he would do."

She wiped away her tears and gave a weak smile. Even if it is a weak attempt, at least she is trying to look on the bright side.

'Your attempt to put on a smile despite not being completely happy... it remind me of my former master.'

Flora promised she saw Quakey shed a tear throughout the black wing, so she got out of the chair and wiped it away as gently as possible.

'Just like Mijuri.. selfless to a fault. I hope this doesn't get you in as much trouble as her.'
'Don't jinx it, brother.'

Flora giggled at their mini banter catching their attention. It is the first time they saw the woman laugh in a very long time. It has been too long. When she is done, she had made up her mind. She is going to her original home to save it and everyone in it, plus, with the help of the anime and manga, she can save demon slayers that died in them. At least to the best in her ability.

She placed Mina on her left shoulder and began trying to pick out some clothes that will be close enough to acceptable in the Taisho era... which is none. A grunt resonate from the disappointed human, and just decided to throw on something. Not like she is coming back anyways.

'Plus, Muzan is a Michael Jackson crossdresser, Daki is basically wearing nothing but scarves as a bathing suit, Mitsuri-san shows a boob window, and Sanemi-san shows his chest like he's some Greek God. If someone decided to judge me based on nationality, color, and clothes, I will apologize in advance for my loose mouth.'
'You sound just like my former master when he applied for a job,' Mina laughed.

Flora threw out her white and brown overall skirt, baggy black shirt with shoulders showing, black spandex shorts, and zipped up leather boots. She noticed that if she were to put it on, it would not be enough coverage for when she has to fight... IF she has to that is.

She strolled to her drawers and scoured for the items she needed. Her face beamed spotting her black knee-high tights and two green hair ties. The birds landed on her bed planning ahead.

"I will be in the bathroom to change. Feel free to look around the apartment for the last time."

Time skip-->

Flora entered the room sighing already bored from the hurried change. The clothes are loose yet fitting on her. Her black kinky hair are put in twin buns on her head with a long braids sticking out of the back and bangs in the front. The headband and choker are added to her person making her a full fusion of her parents.

The crows were astonished at the transformation even if it's just the beginning. The black woman got her scythe from her car she'll never see again along with her backpack. The black bag is filled to the bare minimum full of snacks, a canteen, the books, and proofs where she came from.

"You don't think the hashiras will search through my bag while I'm being questioned, right? Because if I remember correctly, I will have no one to back me up. Rengoku-san probably lost his memory, Tanjiro-san will know I'm lying, and last I remember, none of them speak to animals like I can let alone crows."

'We may have that last part covered, for we know it's best to tell a select few we can trust to our whereabouts and knowledge a secret.'
"Just as long as the Flame Hashira doesn't know any of it nor his past months here, my only concern is Ubuyashiki-san and the Kamados. Everyone else who wants to make an enemy out of me can stay clueless and judge however they like from afar and out of my way," Flora glowered with a lowered tone filled with determination.
'Understood, Master.'
"Call me Flora. I am your friend, not your deity."

'Y-yes, Shiz-I mean, Flora-chan!'

She approved of their efforts and told them that it's time to go. Her mind pondered where and when to do the permanent drop off. Kyojuro entered her thoughts, and Flora thought of a good time to start her journey.

"I wish to be teleported to thirty minutes away before Kyojuro's fight with Akaza in the forest!"

Maroon hands glowed green as she focused the same amount of energy like last time. When the window to a dark forest is done, her body felt heavy, but she is pushed onward.

"Hold on tight, ya'll! I don't how close we'll be to the future scene!"
'Aren't you going to send a memo about you and your services' permanent vacation?!'
"Nope! If anyone asks, I'm never here! Booyakasha!!!" She screamed as her fingers held on to the two small companions and jumped feet first. Into her former home.

It took a while, but they finally made it in the pitch black forest. Flora stumbled on her feet and caught the black birds in each hand. The trio regulated their breathing then scanned the area.

'Do... do you think we are in the right time and place?' Mina softly cawed.

'It looks like the forest, I did say the right time, but I don't know how far we are from our destination.'
'Well while we rest a while then travel to it, you mind explaining why those specific descriptions?'

The woman rested on the tree while Quakey waited for her answer. Mina didn't want to admit it, but she also wonders why if one of their main objectives is to avoid the Flame Hashira at all cost to not trigger his memories somehow and make the plan complicated.

'Hashiras are known to be strict, but honorable, right? If things go awry, I will step in and save Rengoku-san.'
'Yeah, but isn't that counter intuitive?'
'Yes, yet no. You see, if I do save him, then he will owe me a favor. And what better favor to ask than to speak to the Kamados and Ubuyashiki-san in private?'
'So that way the one who is currently in charge of the demon slayers will be in debt to you as well and have to keep those suspicious of you at bay while you become a demon slayer yourself and still train. Flora-chan, you are a genius! If it goes as planned, you're about to crush many leaves with one rock!'
'IF she does. Despite her plan being flawless at first glance, there are many things that can go wrong with this diabolical scheme!'
'You just have to ruin the mood with your cautious ass!'
'Being cautious is how WE stay alive, you dim-witted-'

'ENOUGH! Now is not the time to use whatever energy we recovered from sitting down.'

Begrudgingly, they silenced down and sat slanted opposite of each other on the soft ground. In the meantime, Flora leaned her head back. Eyes peeled and ears sharpened.

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