Chapter 8: Training Breathing

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Narrator's POV->

Days went by as Kyojuro whipped himself into tip top shape once again after the tour with Shima-san. Stabs, push-ups, set-ups, swings, and any other exercises to get his muscle memory familiar with who he is and whom he's protecting. But at the beginning and end of every day, his mind would wander to the maroon skinned, brown- eyed beauty with a smile equipped to combat any kind of darkness. And whose to say he didn't think about her during his daily routine?

Especially with flashbacks constantly rapid firing like a series of stabs.

He remembers the name of the woman in those memories. Flora Shizen.

He remembers what happened to him before he woke up weeks ago. He died to the Uppermoon, Akaza but was brought somewhere very strange due to her wish to save him. He was given a second chance thanks to his long lost friend... or was it crush? He couldn't remember but knew it was a clump of very strong emotions: positive and negative.

Rengoku remembers her unwavering patience and confidence in him as Flora-chan helps him through those months. She trained and spared with him with that addicting grin. She selflessly thought about bringing him back home over her own wants and needs. Sometimes, he had to remind his friend to take her time and even cook for her on a rare occasion. Even when half the time, he almost burned down the kitchen.

The most and only frustrating missing piece is her face. The Flame Hashira couldn't put a face to the name he loves. Each time he tries to, it brings the worst of migraines that could last for hours.

Today is Saturday. Another day for a pillar. He woke up with half lidded eyes and a neutral line as his mouth. His night was somewhat ok minus the dissatisfaction. He did his usual hygienic routine and went outside to train. After training, Kyojuro traveled to the Wisteria House to give Kocho an update before going to the headquarters.

Meanwhile, Flora wants to be a demon slayer for one reason: to save those who died in the manga. She didn't read it, but with a few skims of certain books in the series, she got a rough idea of who is about to die next. In order to save them with little to no suspicion, she asked the Master if she can join the Demon Slayers and up the ranks on her own. He already knew why and saw no reason not to other than the first person Shizen saved being protective of her.

She didn't mind taking the dangerous test, so she did. She passed it with a shit ton of cuts and bruises that are mostly her fault. You know, because of cockiness and times her luck decided to go out the window for a temporary vacation.

Flora, begged and pleaded with everyone that seen her state to not tell Rengoku. It is bad enough Mina and Quakey were on her ass scolding her to this very day. Even now, if she were to slightly slack, one of them would pecking her scalp. She is lucky to not be tender headed growing up.

She is now training to become an undercover Nature Hashira. At least to Ubyushiki-san and the Kamados. To the rest, "Shima-san" is just trying to unlock her breathing while already mastering her dad's scythe and her exercises. The uniform alone is kind of hot and skimpy since there were no pants in wardrobe left. Her dark pigment and thick assets don't help.

To combat such circumstances until the glory pants are delivered, shorts and thigh high tights are secured underneath the black skirt, and her shirt is tied like she is going to the beach. Makeup powder for under her breasts is a definite must. Her black hair is up in two twin buns and two braids are down in the back. This time, however she used hairpins to pull back as many strands of hair away of her face as she can.

Sadly, it wasn't much since her hair is deciding to be stubborn today, but she tried it. And Flora had a fair idea why Tifa from Final Fantasy 7 wore the clothes chosen. It's easy to fight in, has lots of ventilation in the woman parts and under pits, and minimal worries on clothes being torn or cut.

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