Chapter 7: Noodle Resturaunt!

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A week later thanks to my dose of healing abilities and assistance of rehabilitation, Rengoku is finally well again. Before he goes back training and get his "Flame-o- Hotman" on, he wants to spend his first time outside travelling with me to the noodle shop as his treat. And if anybody knows me, I can't turn down free food.

So I dressed in what is given to me by one of the butterfly maidens. A dark red kimono with golden details such as the ties and the sun in the corner. A pair or wooden sandals were placed by my door.

I tied my hair in a half ponytail with a bang out for the sake of my headband having a place to stay on top. I don't care if it's out of place with my whole outfit. I came out bashfully hoping color coordination doesn't mean wanting to court with that specific person. Because if it does, Misturi-san, who supplied the clothes in the first place, screwed me over.

"Mira, Quakey, keep an eye on my stuff, ok?"
'Yes, Ma'am!'
"Thanks for making me feel old before I leave!"

I walked out of the house to meet the hashira; the biwa is on my back. When he turned to the opened screen door to see me, his red and yellow eyes shrunk at the sight of me.

"Is this ok? Mitsuri gave me this."
"More than ok! You look absolutely breathtaking, Shima!"
"O-oh, thank you, Rengoku, you l-look dashing yourself," I stuttered refraining from facepalming.

With the awkward moment pushed away, we walked side by side to the train station. I questioned if he was sure, but he's not shaken up by it. He must be one to not have PTSD easily, and if he did, he sure knows how to hide it behind either the neutral face or a happy one. I sat by the window while Rengoku sat on the inside. I feel eyes on me; my mind became slightly paranoid.

"While we enjoy the ride, I want to know more about the maiden that saved me!" He grinned at me.

"Hmm, well what do you want to know about me?"
"Anything you want!"

I began to tell him all the stuff he should've known about me. Some outright and some in riddles. Like I said before, my friend completely forgot about me, so there is no harm in telling him.

"Rengoku-san, can I tell you a secret?"
"Of course you can! You can trust me with any secret!"

I beckoned him to come closer so no one can decipher my next words.

"Remember my attack that protected me from the blast and cut the Uppermoon severely?"
"Ah, yes. You were phenomenal! You must've trained you form for years."
"Yeah, about that... that may or may not have been my first time pulling the Ninth Form... let alone the breathing," I anxiously laughed playing with my fingers.

I can tell he didn't comprehend what would've happened if I didn't pull it off the way I did, but over time, his face morphed into one of horror and astonishment. Probably questioning my sanity.

"That was your first time?"
"So if you messed up your form even slightly..."
"I can't guarantee Kamado and the others would have died, but I can say with utmost confidence that you and I would've without question. Therefore, even if I did save you, you can thank my luck and prayers," I shrugged looking him in the eye.

"Oh my. I won't tell a soul, Shima-san, but to hear I've dragged a beginner into my mission thanks to your selfless heart... I can't apologized enough."

And now he's scowling to himself. Instantly, I pat his arm as comfort from the thoughts he might be having. Successfully, it worked as he stared at me with such wonder.

"If you want me to forgive you, learn the difference between fighting to live and living to fight another day. Where I come from, if you know you're fighting a losing battle, retreat. It's not called running away like a coward; it's called saving energy you can use in you're next one. At least, that is what my dad once said."
"He must be a man of wisdom and many battles! I would love to meet him one day!"
"He was..."
"I see. My condolences."
"It's ok. Memories of my parents and their items they left to me are what comforts me everyday. I'm glad they are in a better place."

The corners of his mouth turned upward, and he pat me on my head. His hand shocked me, but I welcomed the feeling nonetheless.

Time skip~>

"Senjuro first cooked when he was seven years old because I was sick one day when no one was around. He cooked some Pork Udon Soup. It was a simple recipie, so I thought he didn't make a mess. I was wrong when I heard a yell and a thud. My dad tripped on some egg whites my young brother left behind. We didn't mean to laugh, but as soon as we were done being punished, we chuckled to our heart's content."

I laughed at his story even if it ended in a way that's bittersweet. Almost choked on a chicken piece from the chow mein.

"That reminds me of a memory I had when I was 9 . My mom and I played Doctor with animal dolls. We were laughing at my joke when my dad came down the stairs with wet socks. He said someone wasted some water on the floor in the kitchen. My mom was confused at first until I told what I was about to clean up. He hates wet socks and white grape juice. So beans were spilt, and he went bonkers. He hopped on to the bathroom as if the floor was on fire. We laughed our asses off, but we did apologize for not cleaning the mess sooner. I think out of all the memories she had, that one has to be one of the most famous."

Rengoku loudly hackled along with me. It's fun to enjoy the good ole days before we grew up taking responsibilities.

'At least there is no such thing as high end taxes and bills here.'

I ate bowls and bowls of noodles and chicken along with salmon sushi. By the time we were done, my stomach feel like bursting at any moment. I told the Hashira to remind me to not let my eyes get that big again. He chuckled at me. I wanted to glare so badly, but I couldn't at such a handsome face. I stuck with a huff.

"What's with the face, hm?"
"You don't laugh at a lady pregnant with a food baby."
"Haha, I apologize, Shima-san!"
"...You're already forgiven," I mumbled looking away.

We walked some more to the district so Rengoku can show me around. At one point, it got a little too crowded, so I wrapped my arm around his. It's a little forward, but this option is better than him putting a leash on me...

'On second thought- no no no! Get your head out the mist!'

The perverted thoughts exited my head as fast as they came. We passed an antique store when I saw something that caught my eye. It is a spruce wood cross bracelet. I usually don't like jewelry, but it's looks so simple and cute. I didn't know I stopped until I was pulled into the store I was window shopping.

"Rengoku, what are you doing?"
"Getting you a souvenir, of course!"

I was dragged into the area and instantly acted like a goldfish when he questioned the elderly woman about the item I was oogling. I knew where this was going and tried to stop the nice man from buying the gift. My voice box failed me. The closest I got to speaking is Steve Urkel. To top it off, he grabbed my hand, gently placed the bracelet around my wrist, and kissed it... in public...

Best believe I felt very giddy and happy on our trip to the train.

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