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The minutes dragged along painfully as you bit your nails, hung upside down on your bed, and watched your favorite tv show until finally, there was a knock at the door

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The minutes dragged along painfully as you bit your nails, hung upside down on your bed, and watched your favorite tv show until finally, there was a knock at the door.

“Coming!” you shouted as you hurried to the door, flinging it open to see Caitlyn.

“Hi,” she greeted, her hair hanging loosely around her shoulders and face.

“Get your ass in here! Did you go and make the movie?” you asked sarcastically. The best thing about you was your sarcasm. Hell yeah, you could pull a joke or two.

She rolled her eyes and playfully pushed you aside as she entered, throwing herself on the couch.

“If I had made the movie, I would have killed Michael off a long time ago.”

You pinch your eyebrows together. “Uh, no. Michael is the best slasher of all time!”

“No! Ghostface is the best. Like the best of the bestest.”

You wanted to laugh at her made-up words. Bestest.

“Whatever you say,” you whisper before going to the kitchen to make the popcorn.

You stood by the faucet and opened it to your wash your hands as they were sticky. Did I mention you were eating almost half the food while you waited for her?

A cold shiver ran down your spine and you couldn't shake it off. No, not until you looked out the kitchen window to see a shadow.

Wait, was it a shadow? Even though your heart skipped a beat, you couldn't stop staring.

Well, thank God you weren't alone right now.



More silence…

Then pop, pop, pop. The sound gave you a little heart attack until you realized it was the popping of the popcorn.

You lifted your head again. Only this time, seeing a figure. A dark figure, lurking in the darkness.

“Caitlyn! I think someone's watching us.”


Yeah, thank God she believed you, or else this would've been a scene from every horror movie.

“It's gone!” you yelped as you walked backward, away from the window.

“Oh, hell no! I'm phoning for help.”

You watched as she dialed her phone, calling 911.

The door creaked and the handle moved from the living room. Someone was trying to get in through the front door.

“Uh, Y/n. You did lock the door, right?”

You made the mistake of not locking the door. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” your hands were sticky anyway so why would you lock the door with that hands?

“Hello, there's someone by the door! They're trying to get in!” Caitlyn yelled into the phone.

All of your focus was on the front door.

No. It wasn't the front door this time. The door from behind you made a noise and you were afraid to turn around, the coldness from behind you seeping through your bones, as every muscle screamed for help.

The footsteps stopped and heavy breathing fell on your neck. No, no, no.

You were frozen. You thought that if you were ever in a situation like this, you would never make the mistake of standing still but this is how your body reacted and you couldn't do anything, even breathing seemed like a crime right now.

You looked over at Caitlyn who faced the front door and didn't even know what was happening behind her. Turn, turn, turn you wished that she would turn but she didn't.

You stood still until a hand rested on your shoulder, pressing his nails inside of your shoulder blade.

You tried to silent your irregular breathing.

Let this be a dream, let this be a dream.

“Ahhh!” a scream came from behind you making you scream yourself.

You closed your eyes, petrified but then the sound of laughter made you turn around. That laugh was too familiar.

“You dumb fucking prick!” Caitlyn shouted, storming towards the boy who now stood in front of you.


Even though a sigh of relief left your mouth, the next few minutes were going to be hell for Mason and he just knew it as you shot your hands up, trying to strangle him.

“What the hell is wrong with you? How could you do that? What if I had a heart attack? You dumb, fucking son of a bitch, you motherfucking asshole,” the words spilled from your mouth serving the purpose to calm you down and it eventually did.

“Look, I was just messing around. Did you think it was the boogeyman?”

“No. I thought it was a fucking serial killer!” you swore before you got a burning smell.

“No! The popcorn!” Caitlyn yelled as she switched the stove off and pulled the hot pot from the stove with a cloth, into the sink.

Smoke filled the entire kitchen, making all of you choke and wheeze.

“Look what you did, asshole!” you commented before pinning him with the most dangerous death stare ever.

“Luckily I got more popcorn seeds,” you added.

“Yay! So what movie are we watching?” he asked enthusiastically, before attempting to fly onto the couch but he fell onto the floor. Acting like he meant to do that, he rested a hand on his face and gave a wide smile.

“We?” Caitlyn repeated.

“Oh come on. We've known each other for ages! Aren't I invited?”

You rolled your eyes and went to the doors, locking them this time.

“We're watching Halloween ends.”

Sirens wailed in the distance and you dropped your head in exhaustion.

“Great! Who's going to tell them that it was a mistake?” you asked as you heard them park outside your house.

“It was Mason's fault, so he should go,” Caitlyn suggested.

Oh, if only your mom found out about this, you'd be dead meat.

Calling 911 was no joke, even if it was a prank. They'd still pull up. “We'll all go together,” you decided, preparing yourself.

“I'm eighteen, so I guess they won't be asking for a parent or guardian right?”

Mason shrugged his shoulders.

“Great! Now someone will call the firefighters because they will think we put the whole house on fire!” Caitlyn shouted.

THE INEVITABLE MICHAEL MYERS (Michael Myers X reader) Where stories live. Discover now