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“That's the only option! Apparently, Michael wouldn't hurt her and she's the main reason for this town being unsafe right now!” the sheriff shouts but you shake your head

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“That's the only option! Apparently, Michael wouldn't hurt her and she's the main reason for this town being unsafe right now!” the sheriff shouts but you shake your head.

“My fault? I'm not telling him to kill these people, sheriff. And you really think that I'm going to bait myself? You must be dreaming coz I'm not doing anything,” you argued.

“Yeah, but I guess you're having sex with a fucking serial killer. You should be behind fucking bars for not turning him in!” he growls.

“What? He will think I betrayed him. I can—”

“It's not your decision. You have no choice in this matter. How the hell will your mother feel when we tell her you slept with a serial killer,” he cuts you off.

Mason shakes his head, catching up on everything. “You like him, y/n. He likes you.”

You nod.

“Let us go,” Caitlyn commanded while fisting her hands.

“I'm afraid not. Probably spending a few days in prison will help knock some sense into you immature teenagers!”

“Let us out, now!” you shout. Caitlyn tries to open the door but it's locked.

“I honestly don't care if you all die by him. Do you know how many people were killed because of you all?” the sheriff raises a question.

Then, there's a thud that hit the roof of the vehicle.

“What the fuck was that?” he asked as he kept his gaze on the dark road.

“That's fucking Michael Myers, asshole!” Caitlyn trembles and shouts.

Something hard hits on the the left window, the impact causing it to crack while glass shatters everywhere. Screaming, you tell him to stop the car but he doesn't, instead, he picks up speed.

“You're going to hurt him!” you shout but a hard slap lands across your face. Your ears ring as it becomes hot and then you realize that the sheriff just slapped you.

Your eyes burn as the pain shoots to your aching jaw. “Did you just slap me?” you asked while going forward to hit the sheriff on his head.

“Did you just slap her?” Mason shouts, going forward to hit the sheriff as well.

The car zig-zags before he presses the break, causing you to slam into the seats. Caitlyn however slams her head into the glass, blood immediately falling down her forehead. Not just that, a heavy body also rolled down the front of the car.

Trying to open the doors, you sat impatiently between Mason and Caitlyn. Mason sat on your left and Caitlyn, on your right.

The sheriff shook his head before starting the vehicle and driving over Michael's body. This made the car bounce up and down, over his body before he finally took off.

“No!” you screamed, turning back and watching The shape lay on the street completely lifeless.

“Don't worry. That bastard may still be alive, and if he is, we're gonna lure him in, and kill him,” the sheriff snarled before coming to a halt.

Moving forward, three of you attacked him by hitting him, pulling him and punching. So much that his face began to bleed. Three against one and it was perfect, only until he called for back up and vehicles surrounded the car.

Minutes dragged along painfully as the sheriff stood outside and made a phone call.

“I'm so sorry, you guys. This is all my fault,” you whispered but both of your friends hugged you tightly.

“It's not your fault, y/n. It never was.”

Crying, you watched how a few vehicles arrived. A few police officers jumped out, before coming forward and pulling you all out.

“I love you guys so much,” you whispered.

Hell, you were scared. You didn't know how Michael will react when he saw you. Will he be angry? You didn't even know if he had feelings for you or if he will easily kill you 'cause he felt absolutely nothing.

You sat in the middle of the street as they taped your hands behind your back, before taping your mouth.

The sheriff took out a knife and slowly grazed it on your face and then hands, making drops of blood ooze out. It wasn't deep but it was enough to make you bleed.

Crying out, you struggled as they had you in a sitting position while taping your feet together.

“Leave her alone!” you heard Caitlyn shout from the police vehicle.

“Don't you dare touch her!” Mason warned but all of the cops filled into their cars before disappearing out of sight. Just a little further away from you, into the darkness so that they won't be seen.

You screamed out again, blood drying on your face. It is sure as hell painful to be taped up and stuck in a position where you couldn't even remove the hair from your face.

The minutes dragged along painfully as small slivers of sunlight sliced into view.

He probably died.

Your eyes swelled up with tears as your vision became blurry.

Just when you thought, you were about to pass out, a shadow appeared in a distance.

You smiled but as he approached, tears began to sting the back of your eyes again. They were going to kill him. This was a trap.

Just as you thought, Michael Myers appeared in front of you, tilting his head as he took your state in.

He was concerned. Only he could hurt you and no one else. His chest rose and fell as he took your state in—your torn clothes, the drying blood on you face and arms, the blood which coated your knuckles when you took several blows to the sheriff's face—but although he stood near, he didn't bend down to free you.

He was confused. Like what the hell were doing in a state like that. Who did this to you?

Then, while lost in thought, people came in from both left and right, caging him in.

Screaming, you tried to warn him to run. He took one glance at you before turning and facing the furious crowd.

THE INEVITABLE MICHAEL MYERS (Michael Myers X reader) Where stories live. Discover now