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I was humming silently while climbing up the staircase. I just had my lunch now at three pm. I reached my room and I was about to turn the doorknob, when something surprising caught my eyes.



Am I blabbering??

Calm down inner Naomi.


Taking deep breaths.

Gosh!!!! Excitement is killing me.

The door to the mini Maldives room is surprisingly open after a long time.

Oh god!!! I've been craving to enter in once before I leave. Until now the door to this room was always locked and today it's open.

God!!! I'm so excited.

I tiptoed towards the room and the door was slightly open. I quietly pushed the door open and again a surprise hit me.

Is he really here??! Or am I hallucinating?

I mean he rarely comes upstairs..

Harold was inside the room, his back was facing me. He was looking outside through the large windows of this room. I slowly took my steps towards him but suddenly his voice bellowed.

"I am in no mood for a company, Miss Nolan!!!" I halted as his back was still facing me......did he sense me coming.

God!!! He got good reflexes.

But wait a minute...

Why is his voice so grumpy!?!

Is he having mood swings? I mean morning he was all smiling and fine and now..... what happened?

I walked upto him and stood beside him near the window. His void eyes were still looking at the garden outside.

"I said I'm in no mood for a company." He repeated without even glancing at me.

His eyes were void of emotions though he never shows his emotions, I can make out that he's broken beneath. He looked sad, something might have happened today.

But what?!

Why is he so sad?

I cleared my throat,
"Unless we share someone else's pain, we can never relieve ourselves of pain." At this he glanced down at me with a look...... a weird frowny look.

My words were too cliche, I guess!!

Okay let's rephrase it.

Wait!!! I don't know to rephrase it.

I sighed,
"In simple words, you can share with me whatever you wanna share." I stated.

In return, he twitched his lips sadly and turned his head back towards the glass wall and was again staring down sadly.

"Just leave!!" He whispered in a low voice.


I gotta share all of my secrets with him and he cannot even share one. Well, I expected it.

I sighed again,
"Did anything happen today or did anyone tell you anything?" I asked despite I didn't have any hope that he'd answer. But...

Suddenly his whole posture changed as his eyes welled up, he blinked rapidly in order to avoid his tears from falling.
He turned around to the other side in order to cover his face from me.

"Hey what happened?!" I placed my hand on his shoulder from behind.

"Just leave Miss Nolan!!" His voice wavered.

I walked towards the front of him and without thinking twice, I hugged him tightly. My hands wrapped around his torso and my head was lying on his chest.

Suddenly his body stiffened,
"What are you doing Miss Nolan, LEAVE ME!!!" He tried to detach himself from me but my hold was firm and tight.
"Leave me!!"

"Struggling is pointless, because I'm stronger than you and just hug me back  you'll feel better." I know he might be rolling his eyes but who cares!!

"Miss Nolan, just leave me!"

I know he's gonna accuse me off something rubbish like me having a crush on him but again who cares!!

"Just hold me for once, you'll feel better." I whispered softly.

"Why?! Do you possess some magic power that will make me feel better..--"

"Just hug me!"

My hands were around his torso and my head was lying on his chest. I could hear his heartbeats, it was rapid. Slowly he was relaxing as he sighed. His hands slowly wrapped around me as we were hugging each other.

We hugged each other for a minute or two, when he slowly pulled back.

"Feeling better?" I asked with a raised brows.


"Hugging each other always reduces stress, it makes your body feel better. It's a psychological fact." I flipped my hair in pride.
"I'm so intelligent with high IQ power." I giggled.

As he sighed and shook his head with a small smile curling up his lips.

"You should smile often, you look good when you smile." I said with a smile while he pursed his lips to hide his smile.

He glanced at me with narrowed eyes, pursed lips and quirked brows.

Oh no nooooo!!! I know that look!!

"Oh come on!!!" I groaned and rolled my eyes.
"I'm not crushing on you." I waved a dismissive hand while he chuckled softly.

"Sure about that?" He smirked.

"Hundred and one percent sure." I rolled my eyes.
"And by the way I'm not into men..--"

"Are you into female then?" He bit his lower lip.

I scowled.
"I'm straight!!! I'm not into any gender. I'm just into me."

"You love yourself a lot, don't you?" He asked with a small smile.

I nodded.
"A lot!! More than you can ever imagine, loving your ownself is far more better than loving someone who keeps breaking your heart into pieces again and again."

He nodded too in approval.

I know I'm smart!!

"Well, I permit you to hug me whenever you're depressed or stressed." I said it in rich British accent as he narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
"Oh stop giving me that look!!!" I grumbled.
"Just think of me as a cute mushy panda and hug me." I cooed while pinching my own cheeks.

Awww!!! Pandas are so cute.

A soft laugh escaped his lips,
"But you're my elephant!!" He said in between his laughs.

I rolled my eyes.

I walked away from him and sat on one of large rocks and rested my legs inside the water.

It was so calm.

He slowly walked towards me and stood beside me, water was waving towards his legs.

"This place is truly a masterpiece." I said.
"The atmosphere in here gives comfort."
"Do you come here to gain comfort when you're depressed?" I asked.

He nodded in return.

"I'm gonna surely miss this place, once I leave." I pursed my lips.
"This month ends with next week, so am I leaving next week??"


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