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I stood near the staircase and gazed ahead at it but there was no sign of Miss Nolan. It was six in the morning and she was not here like usual.

Maybe she's still angry on what happened last night.

But I didn't do it intentionally though, it was just an adrenaline rush.

But in a salient side, Miss Nolan actually did not regret the kiss, she said it was normal but I, in the end messed it up.

Maybe she will not come downstairs..

I sighed and walked towards the door to exit the house.

I hope she'll cool her temper down in the evening.


I entered the lobby of my committee as a subtle frown etched my face. The lobby was crowded with people surrounding around something. I could hear chorus and mumblings of people but certainly couldn't identify their words. I walked forwards inviting my presence to the crowd and suddenly there was silence by the people on seeing me as they moved aside giving me a way to see what it was. I walked forward and abruptly my breath caught in my throat as I saw an open coffin and inside it was a completely burnt body with arms and legs broke apart.

"Who is it?!" I asked while looking down at the open coffin.

"The name was Ivan Winsley." Everyone moved aside giving me a view of the source of sound.

My eyes met with Marcel's dark one, he was sitting on the revolving chair with a paper in his hand.
"Uhh.. I know you!" He rolled his eyes.
"Now you're going to ask me who let you in and shit blah...blah.." he groaned.
"But the main point is, I got the dead body of Ivan Winsley, your spy precisely the spy who was spying on the Russian domain. I brought his dead burnt body to you so that you could give this poor young soul a proper funeral. You should be grateful of me that I didn't leave his body in the woods to rot and degrade." He scoffed proudly.
"Thanks to my spies who informed me about this little brutal incident that happened in Russian domain. This dude got leaked, Russians got to know about his spy thing and immediately took action against him and the result is right infront of you." People were murmuring about the incident and a huge hard lump was already on my throat which was hard to swallow. I was again drowning in sorrow because one or the other side I was in fault.

"Let me read this Ivan Winsley's biodata loud and clear." Marcel stood up from the chair and slowly started walking towards me.
"Name, Ivan Winsley from Seattle, Washington. Age, 25. Oops...younger than you Harold." He clicked his tongue.
"He was a college dropout, he needed a job very badly in order to kill the poverty in his life. He had a mother, diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The young lad wanted a strong healthy job to look after his mother's medical expenses but being a drop out he couldn't get one. But suddenly one day he finds this spying job which also offers a huge amount of money, he knew it was a dangerous job but for his mother's sake he risked his life and went to Russia to have an adventurous game of life and death." Now Marcel was standing in front of me, he leaned towards my ears and whispered,
"Just like you, Son."

He leaned back and smirked,
"Oh!!! I totally forgot.." he pushed his hands inside his pocket.
"Along with his blazed body I also found a note." He pulled a piece of paper out and showed it to me.


"R.G means Ron Gusevi, leader of the great Russian domain. Just like yours, HK." He snickered loudly.

"I'm wondering how are you gonna tell his mother, who is in the therapy center, wanting for her son to come visit her. How are you gonna tell her about her son's ferocious death?!" He smirked.
"You know you're the reason behind his death, are you not guilt ridden?!" He wrinkled his nose and my emotions were all over the place again.

He leaned forward again to my ears and whispered,
"Get a room and bawl your eyes out, Harold." He leaned back and smiled mischievously.

"I've said it already Harold, once the Russians will get to know about shit place of yours..." He looked around the building with a nasty grimace.
"You're gone, you're starting a massacre, which will lead to many death just like his." He pointed towards Mr Winsley.
"You know, he was tortured as hell, several times the Russians asked to whom he was working, being a loyal dog, he didn't bring your name up. His fingers got chopped, he was almost slaughtered and finally burnt into ashes and was thrown into woods." I swallowed the huge lump as the pain in my chest was worsening.

"Stop this!! Stop this place.!!" He exhaled heavily.
"Or you'll be the reason behind many deaths." With that he exited the hall.


I closed the door and leaned onto it with my eyes filled with unshed tears. I sat down on the floor.

I killed Mr Winsley. He was there because of me.

I was the reason behind all this.

I was again being selfish..

I can't think only about myself and my mother's dream. There are others, who have mother, children and wives waiting for them.

Maybe Marcel is right.

I jolted as suddenly my phone rang. It was Dylan. With shaking hands I took my phone from the floor before answering.
"King!! I know what happened today and don't let Marcel's words get into your head." He bursted.

"But what he said was right. I'm inviting a massacre, I can't just think about myself." My voice trembled.

"But even..--"

"Mr Winsley died because of me." I whispered in despair.
"Maybe we should just stop this committee Dylan."

"Come on king!!" He groaned.
"What about the girls,who has been trafficked around the world for no reason by these monsters. And about the teenagers who are being haunted by these drug dealers? You can't just stop it." He breathed.
"I know what happened with Ivan was sad but it was not your fault. He knew the terms and conditions of the committee and he agreed....he agreed to risk his life." He sighed.

"You don't know what I'm feeling right now, I'm guilt ridden...the culpability is killing me." I closed my eyes as I reminisced the burnt body of Mr Winsley.


"I'll talk to you later Dylan." A tear fell from my eyes.
"I'm just not me, now." I whispered and disconnected the call.

I wiped my tear and stood up and walked upto the window and gazed at the night sky in which the half moon was glistening and clusters of stars were shining on the dark sky looking more alluring than ever.

I'm sorry Mr Ivan Winsley. I truly am...please forgive me.

I covered my face with my palms and took a deep breath before putting my hands down.

I glanced at my guitars, on the wall and walked towards it before taking one. I sat in the corner of my room with no lights illuminating the room. I rubbed my fingers across my guitar strings and hummed softly.

I just want to run away from all of this...just want to break free from this prison of life.


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