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It can't be positive!!!

Please god!!! Noooooooo!!!!!

Dammit!!! My life is so screwed up!!!

How am I gonna tell this to Harold??

I sighed as I sat on the toilet seater with my foot frantically tapping on the floor.

Today morning when I woke up naked, I felt like my breasts were swollen, I just didn't feel right. So I checked my phone calendar and guess what!!!!

I freaking missed my periods.

I was completely blank this morning. For a while I thought it was normal, sometimes I do miss my periods but when I entered the kitchen to cook Harold breakfast, I was all fine but when I finished cooking and setting the table, the bloody nausea hit me hard. I ran up to the kitchen sink and puked my guts out.

And this morning...poor Harold...when he was about to give me my goodbye kiss, I turned away from the kiss because my mouth was stinking bad after the vomiting and all.

And after all this, I remembered one important thing. We had sex so many times in this month but not once did we use any protection nor any contraceptives. We were freely ravishing each other without any barrier. And now the result is...

I am freaking pregnant..

"Ahhhhh!!!!" I screamed my lungs out.

This can't happen to me.

How can we forget about the contraceptives??

My life is so screwed up.

I bought four different pregnancy kit of different brands and all four were positive.

Like seriously!!!!

I got up from the toilet seat and pulled my pants up.

I have to tell this to Harold without any delay. I hope he won't reject me or this baby.

I can't believe that I have a life inside me now!!


For a month, I was so life was so perfect with a perfect boyfriend and now... I hope this pregnancy news will not ruin my happiness.

I clutched my stomach and I sniffled hard, if Harold rejects us...I'll take care of you baby.

But I want Harold with me forever. I... I can't....

I walked out of the bathroom and slumped on the bedside couch. I hope Harold will react normally without any melodramatic cliché traumatizing drama. I hope he accepts this baby because a part of me do not wanna give up on this baby too.

And however we are of age of becoming a parent, I'm twenty five and he's twenty seven and we can look after a baby, can't we??

Suddenly my phone rang as I checked the caller ID and it was Harold. Nervously I answered the call and put the call on speaker.

Why the hell am I nervous??

"Hell.. hello?" My voice quivered.

"How are you doing, sweetheart??" He asked.


"Umm..." I chuckled nervously.
"I'm doing...fine." the nervousness is killing me.

"I'm on my way to you!" He said.

"What??!" I frowned.

"What do you mean what??!"

Immediately my eyes shifted to the wall clock and it was half past five.

Goodness! Time is running like Usain bolt.

"Eagerly waiting for you, babe!" I said and in return he chuckled and then disconnected the call.

My shoulders sagged as my mind was debating on how to tell this good or bad news to Harold.


Harold was sitting beside me and we were having our dinner. Harold was quietly eating but I was lost within me, fiddling the fork because I didn't wanna eat anything. Fear was eating me up.

I should tell this to Harold without anymore delay. He deserves to know. It's not like the baby is only mine and..

"MISS NOLAN!!!!" Harold shouted and I jolted abruptly. With widened eyes I glanced at him.
"Why are you so lost? I've been calling you for so many times already! Is something hindering your mind??" He asked as a worry lines appeared on his forehead.

"No...nothing.." I whispered while glancing at my filled plate.

"No!! It's not nothing. Something is really bothering you! Is it me? Are you bored of me??" Sadness coursed through hid facials features as I glanced at him with a frown.

"What?? Why would I be bore of you?" I wrinkled my nose and narrowed my eyes while scrutinizing him.

He shrugged,
"It can be a reason."

"I am not bored of you Mr Harold Kingston." I got up from my chair and paced towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To my room!"


"Because I need time!"

"Time for what??"

I ignored his question,
"Don't come behind me nor call me until I come downstairs." With that I climbed up the stairs and reached my room.

I opened it before entering and closing it. I walked inside my bathroom and pulled the drawer open, where I've kept the pregnancy kit. I took one out among the four and glanced at myself in the mirror.

You can do it!!

Yes Naomi! You can!!

I took a deep breath and exited the bathroom before going downstairs. Harold was not in the dining area. I walked towards the kitchen and there he was, drinking water from his water bottle.

"I'm pregnant!!!" I said loud enough for him to hear as Harold choked on the water and spat the water out before glancing at me with widened eyes and a look of disbelief etched his face.

"What!!!!" He wrinkled his nose.

"I'm pregnant!! What do we do now??" I cried as I showed him the pregnancy kit.

He took steps towards me and took the kit from my hand before looking at it with widened eyes. His hands were trembling as the kit fell from his hand.

"We didn't use any protection and..--" I was cut short as he walked past me and exited the kitchen.

I just stood there looking at his retreating figure which slowly vanished away.

Tears pricked in my eyes.

What does this mean??

Is this our end??


Hi guys, I don't know when the next update is gonna be because my exams are still going on. But I'll try to update.
So till then stay tuned.

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