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6 years later :


N     A     O     M     I

My life has been way better in the past six years of my life. I had Harold and my sweet baby with me all the time. Many things happened in the past six years. Some happy and some tragic. Happy: I had the love of my life with me and tragic: I lost my parents in a car accident. I never spent a lot of time with them as I disobeyed and disappointed them. But I'm glad I was with them during their last times. I've been miserable after their death, but luckily, I had Harold, who cried along with me and was also a comfort to me.

My life can never be any better without him. As the day passes by, our love for each other grows even more. How can I not love such an adorable being.

And along with him I had my sweet...

"Mom!! Feeling alright?" I was snapped out of my trance as I heard my sweet little girl's voice.

Nadia Helen Kingston..

"Yes, honey." I replied with a smile as she nodded and resumed her game with Jaxon Scott.

Dylan and Gwen's son. Who apparently is two years younger than Nadia.

But I see future in them whenever I see them together. Jaxon was an exact copy of Dylan, whereas my daughter, Nadia, had my hair and rest everything she took it from Harold, eyes, nose, facial structure, and even his behavior. She cares a lot for her mother, just like Harold. And to mention she also into music. She has her own mini guitar, which she keeps playing around.

Harold never achieved his singing dreams, but he's sees it in Nadia as her dream is to become a musician and a singer one day. Harold is hell-bent to make her dream a reality. Her voice is not as clear as Harold, but Harold says that she's still young,  which she is. As she grows, her voice will be finer and more beautiful, just like her dad.

Harold has been teaching her to play guitar, and he also takes her vocal classes. I don't have any knowledge about music, so I'll just shut this up.

"Feeling fine, babe!!" I was again snapped out of my trance as Harold called me.

He stood beside me in front of the couch.
I pulled his arm and made him sit beside me on the couch.
"I'm okay!!!" I was tired of saying it again and again to him and Nadia.
"Just look over there." I nudged my chin towards Nadia and Jaxon.

He shook his head in dismay.
"Just look at the mess they've created!"

Well, that's true. The once immaculate house was now a turned up mess with toys all around. And there are no plant pots around in the house for around 3 years. Harold has kept his plants safely inside an open room and locked it because he's scared that Nadia will destroy his forever collection of plants. Those plants are like his second wife, and sometimes, I'm jealous of those harmless plants.

"I'm not talking about the mess!!" I exhaled.
"Look at them...aren't they looking good together." I whispered.

He scowled in return.
"You mean Jaxon and Nadia."

"Yeah!!" I squeled.
"Jaxon is a perfect copy of Dylan. Smart, handsome, cool, hot, caring..." I trailed off as Harold narrowed his eyes, and a small pout took over his lips.
"Ohhh... you're more handsome, smart, cool, hot, and caring than Dylan, but your junior will be Nadia's brother. Can we marry her off to her own brother?" He was still giving me that look.
"No, we cannot. So I'm going for the second prior.. which is Jaxon, Dylan's son." I exaggerated.

He was still giving me that look of intense hurt.

I sighed.
"I still can't believe that how am I so lucky to have you in my life..what have I done to have such a great partner beside me and I wish Nadia to get a man like her father." A small smile crept over his lips as he looked away.
"Awww....someone's shy." He giggled in response.

In a second, he composed himself,
"But Jaxon is younger than Nadia. How can you pair them up?" He frowned.

"Oh, come on, Harold!!" I groaned.
"Love has no barriers. No age, no color, no height, no nothing. Love is blind." I cooed, and in return, Harold quirked his brows.
"I'm serious, Harold!!" I grumbled.

"Are you?"

"Yes, I am!!"

He smiled.
"But I want Nadia to chase her dreams first instead of falling for love and all. I see my dream in her, and she wants it in her life." He sighed.
"I want her to become a great superstar in her future." I smiled and clasped my hand with his.

Suddenly, I felt a kick inside my tummy.
"They just kicked." I whispered and placed my hand on my bump.

"Did they??!" Harold placed his hand on my bump, but he couldn't feel anything.

"Nadi, someone among the two kicked." Harold exclaimed it to Nadia.

Nadia eyes widened as she left everything and came running towards us before placing her ear on my bump.

"How are y'll babies??" She giggled.

The happiness in her eyes, it's just beyond exquisite.

A year ago, Nadia wanted a brother or a sister. Anything was fine to her. And to fulfill her wish, Harold and I decided to have another baby, but in return, we got buy one get one free offer. We're having twins. A girl and a boy. Nadia got both a sister and a brother, and she is beyond happy with this great news. For now, her only dream is to see and look after her bro and sis. And I just want to deliver them out as soon as possible because I can't....with this huge bump and I'm in my final month and around this month these two will be with us.

"Hazel... Hayden!! Can y'll hear me." Her ears were still glued to my bump.

And our little boss has decided to name them, Hayden and Hazel.

"When are they gonna come out, mom?" She looked up at me.
"I can't wait to see them!!" She exclaimed.

"Soon!!" I brushed her brown locks behind and smiled.

"Dad!!" She glanced at Harold.
"Take care of mom...I'll be back in some minutes." She said and went back to resume her game with Jaxon.

"So.." I glanced at Harold
"Do you need anything, your highness?" He smirked.
"As my little princess has ordered me to take care of you."

I placed my one leg on top of his lap.
"A little foot massage would be just fine." I winked.

"Fine!!" He nodded.

And I chuckled.

I want my happiness to be continuous without any full stop and without any jinx in it.


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