Chapter 12: Happily Ever After? (END)

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Filip in black crow form flew, heading to the School Master's tower as he entered through the window before landing on the floor, turning back to himself. In front of him was the Storian still writing the book.

"Oh, School Master. WHERE ARE YOU, OLD MAN?!" Filip shouted, looking around for him. "Time to pay for your mistake!"

"Seeking revenge, Filip searched the tower for the one person who had wronged him from the start. Or so he believed."

"What does that mean?" Filip asked in confusion before the School Master appeared behind his back.

"It means your tale has just begun, Filip of Galvadon." Filip narrowed his eyes at him before his eyes widened as the School Master transformed into someone he hadn't expected.


"This was all a test, Filip. All of it. A test... to find my subordinate."

"I don't understand." Filip mumbled in confusion.

"I was the one who answered your wish and brought you and your friends here. The seers told me of your potential, and I wanted to help you fulfill it. Who else has believed in you... cared for you, defended you, given you everything?" Rafal showed his bloody finger as Filip looked at his. "When you use that power, and watch your enemies fall, how does it feel?"

"I like it." Filip answered as he smirked. The blood on his finger disappeared and so did Rafal's.

"You were never meant for Good. And of course, neither was I."

Filip frowned one brow as he watched Rafal go to sit down and ask him a question. "Why did you pose as the School Master?"

"He was my brother. Centuries ago, we were entrusted the Storian for eternity because our bond overrode our warring souls. As long as we protected each other, we would stay immortal... and young. Good and Evil, in perfect balance. But time... times makes one discontent."

"What happened to him?"

"We fought... and I killed him."

"You killed your brother?" Filip breathed out in shock and his eyes widened. "How could you do that?"

"Well, the same way you tried to kill your best friend and that prince. Because it's who we are." Rafal stood up, towering over Filip whose face looked up at him. "After my brother's death, I assumed his identity to hide my true intent. Started destroying the balance from within."

"There are no mistakes in the School for Good and Evil."

"But Good has won for 200 years." Filip spoke up about the fact but Rafal cut him off.

"Oh, have they now? Story by story, I have corrupted them. Rewarding them for burning old ladies in ovens, making mermaids cut out their tongues, forcing women to dance in red-hot iron shoes. Good became vain. Foolish. Weak. But you, Filip? You put me to shame."

Filip smiled at his compliment. "You brought the whole school in its knees in weeks. Beyond Good and Evil, you... are chaos itself. And you have one thing that I don't and I want that. And if I have it... we'll become unstoppable."




"Guys!" You and Agatha came down to the cellar to see Tedros who escaped from the main hall and came towards you both.

"Tedros!" Tedros went to hug Agatha before he went to hug you next.

The School for Good and Evil (Male! Sophie x reader)Where stories live. Discover now