Chapter 10: Rafal's Plan

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Dovey was walking back and forth in panic before she noticed you and Agatha entering the main hall. "Oh! Where have you been?"

"Trying to talk to Filip, but they locked him in his room." Agatha answered.

"I went to give Tedros back his sword." You replied.

"Yes, they locked him in because he broke the rules. You all did. Tedros told me! Why? Why did you help him and (Y/N) in the trial? Did you not think he could do it on his own? I thought that you believed that Filip was truly Good."

"I don't." Agatha's answer made you slightly mad but soon it disappeared as she continued. "I don't believe that anyone is truly Good or truly Evil, because people are complicated, even if everybody in this place pretends they aren't."

"But it turns out that he gave up instead of finishing the trial. How does it mean to you?"

"He was scared." You interrupted her, "He thinks that he has failed to save me. And I'm not mad at him."

"Ladies. The rules of this school must be--"

"Must be obeyed." Agatha repeated the word out of annoyance. "You keep saying that, but what good are your rules if you don't do anything about it when actual, dangerous Evil is here?"

"Please! Filip is many, many things, but I would hardly call him dangerous."

"Not Filip. Rafal!" Agatha's words made Dovey stop as her eyes widened and stuttered.

"What did you just say?"

"Rafal. We saw him again in the forest." Agatha told her. "But clearly, none of you have done anything about it."

"Again? What does that mean?" Dovey suddenly spluttered, "Have either of you seen Rafal before? Here?"

"Yeah. In the tower of blood we told the School Master about." You explained to her.

"And Filip saw him in his classroom." Agatha added, "So did Lady Lesso. Didn't she tell you?"

"Lesso..." Dovey sighed as she mumbled angrily. "I should have known. Come with me. We will get to the bottom of this. Come on. Go!"

You and Agatha got dragged by Professor Dovey as she led you to somewhere secret.





Filip sobbed quietly in his bed, his jacket had taken off, leaving only his shirt and pants. He heard the sound of footsteps coming towards his room before the sound of Anadil saying through the door.

"Filip? Um... (Y/N) asked me to give you this. I..." Filip saw the letter slip through the gap under the door. "I hope you feel better soon."

Filip stood up before he went to grab the letter and he read it.

Dear Filip, I'm so sorry for what happened in the forest. I never meant to hurt your feelings. You have tried to protect me and I'm saved. But I need to tell you something. Aggie and I saw Rafal in the woods. Aggie thinks what's happening here is bigger than anyone realizes. It's true Evil, and we have to stick together. Only trust each other. You must know, no matter what, we're on your side. I love you, Filip.

All my love, (Y/N).

Filip put the letter close to his chest, feeling touched by his friend's comforting words, especially knowing that you still loved him after failing to save you like how a prince was supposed to do.

The School for Good and Evil (Male! Sophie x reader)Where stories live. Discover now