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They take turns doing that for a few more minutes, before Jenna eventually points her finger behind Dahlia, mouthing "are you ready to get out?"

She nods and takes the lead, feeling her close behind her. When it comes to the gap in the ledge, she just takes a deep breath, doesn't look down, and hops over it. Then she turns and puts her hand out for Jenna, giving her the same courtesy she gave him earlier.

She grabs it, extends her leg, and then jumps. And she makes it, too, but the rock beneath her feet starts crumbling, and she lets out a soundless shriek as she starts losing her balance. Dahlia's heart drops, and she gulps as she quickly steps forward and grabs her waist, pulling her towards her. Dahlia's back presses against the rock wall safely, and they both have their arms wrapped around each other in a still-scared-to-move moment. She closes her eyes, not even noticing the painful rock wall digging into her skin as both she and Jenna take a moment to calm down. Their bodies are rising and falling with their breathing in sync with each others, and her fingers are digging into her sides with worry that she could still fall. Dahlia's are doing the same to her.

After composing herself and thanking god nothing serious happened, she pulls back and searches her face. "Are you okay?"

"Holy shit," Jenna replies, and a smile spreads across her face. Then she starts laughing. Actually laughing, and she's sure she's going insane now. "That was crazy!"

They unwrap their sticky, sweaty bodies from each other's, and while Dahlia is still trying to recover from even watching that happen, she's still laughing.

"I thought for sure I was about to fall," Jenna laughs, now leading the way. She feels like she has major emotional whiplash right now. "Goddamn, that adrenaline rush was incredible."

"Jesus, Jenna, you could have just died, so why are you laughing? That was terrifying." Dahlia breathes in deeply, pushing her hair back.

"Yeah, but I didn't, Dahlia," she laughs, lightly punching her shoulder. "You have to stop worrying about hypotheticals and live in reality."

"Yeah, yeah," she grumbles, shaking her head. She's still trying to recover.

"You should have seen your face, Dahlia," Jenna sighs with a laugh, shaking her head. "I'm surprised you didn't confess your undying love for me before I fell to my death."

"Shut up," she shakes her head, continuing behind her. "I was just thinking about how bad it would be that I had to go back, and tell your family that you fell off a cliff. I don't think I could even do it; I'd just hide out in this jungle for the rest of my life to avoid it."

"That would probably be best," Jenna laughs, now hopping back onto the safe, green hill.she takes in a sigh of relief as she makes it too, finally out of danger's way.

"I'm getting hungry, wanna sit and eat?" Jenna asks, pulling her bag over her shoulder and looking back at her.

"Yeah, I'm starving," she nods, following behind her and rubbing her stomach.

They sit down on the grass beside the lake, and Dahlia closes her eyes and sighs, soaking up the warm sunlight into her wet skin.

"Choose your weapon," Jenna asks, holding out two granola bars. "Chocolate or peanut butter?"

"You can pick your favorite and I'll take the other," she shrugs, laying back against the grass and clasping her hands together behind her head.

"Peanut butter it is," she tosses it at Dahlia, and it falls flat on her stomach.

"Jerk," Dahlia groans, grabbing it and peeling it open, before taking a bite.

They sit there in silence for a while, just enjoying their surroundings and their snacks.

- Hawaii lust - Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now