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After finishing her shower Dahlia wraps a towel around her body and quickly runs back to the bed to check her phone. But Jenna still hasn't answered. Not that she really expected her too, but she had been hoping anyway, and now she feels even worse. She falls back on the bed, and stares up at the ceiling for what seems like the millionth time today.

Her phone buzzes eventually, and she grabs it so fast that she almost falls completely off the bed, but it's only her mom-not Jenna.

Dahlia spends another half hour talking to her, and assuring her that everyone is fine and healthy and that she's not dead. It takes a while to calm her down from her freak out, and then they finally talk about what she's been doing (she leaves out the embarrassing details) and what her mom has been doing. As refreshing as it is to talk to her again, Dahlia doesn't let her know anything's wrong. One because she's already worried enough, and then two because she's not exactly comfortable telling the world Jenna's business.

After reassuring her about ten times that she's okay and everything's going great, they tell each other bye, recite their "I love you"s, and then she's laying on the bed again.

Dahlia checks her phone obsessively, but Jenna never replies. It's about six when she sees the sky getting darker from not only the storm, but the sunset too. She decides to get up and finally do something; not to follow her or annoy her, but just make sure she's okay. She's worried sick.

So she walks outside into the pouring rain, running quickly with his hand over her head to get to Mia and Jordan's bungalow. It doesn't help, really, since she's still soaking wet by the times he gets there, but still.

"Have you guys, um, seen Jenna?" Dahlia asks, crossing her arms uncomfortably as she looks at them. Jordan and Mia are cuddled up at the head of the bed, while Aaliyah is at the foot of it on her phone.

They're watching a horror movie so the lights are out, but she switches the light on to see if Jenna's there anywhere. She isn't.

"She came by like, three movies ago. She looked upset," Aaliyah tells her, shrugging.

"Yeah, she was actually crying I think," Mia tells her, but they don't really seem to care. "But I couldn't really tell since it was raining."

"Did she say anything? Did she tell you where she was going, or what she was doing, or..." Dahlia breathes out then, trying to calm himself down. "I just need to know if she's okay."

"Oh, I think she's more than okay," Aaliyah laughs, pausing the movie and now setting her feet on the floor, looking up at her. "She asked if we had any alcohol-left with a bottle of something."

"And you let her?!" Dahlia exclaims, breathing out and pushing her fingers through her hair. "You knew she was upset, and the weather is god awful, and you just let her take a bottle of alcohol with her and walk out? Did you even ask what was wrong?"

"Relax, Dahlia, she'll be fine," Aaliyah laughs, pressing her hand to her arm. Then, squeezing it slightly and tilting her head to the side, she says, "Just watch a movie with us. She'll be back soon I'm sure."

"She could be passed out alone somewhere from being too drunk, or she could be in this awful weather, or...God, or both!" Dahlia breathes out, pulling her arm from her grip. "I'm gonna call her. Please just let me know if you see or hear anything, okay? I've been worried all day, and I just hoped she had been with you guys."

"We'll let you know," Jordan nods at her, but Aaliyah and Mia still couldn't care less that their sister is practically missing.

"Thanks," Dahlia tells him, before running back to their room. It's still flooding, and there's still thunder and lightning, and Dahlia feels like she could cry she's so upset.

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