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The three of them look decently similar; Dahlia can tell they're related, Latino things.

"Is there a reason the whole island is in my bedroom right now?" Aaliyah pushes Mia off and sits up, rubbing her eyes. Then she spots Dahlia there beside Jenna, looking her up and down with a tilt of her head. "Who's this?"

"Dahlia-my girlfriend," Jenna tells her, putting her arm around her territorially.

"Nice to meet you, Dahlia," she smiles, pushing herself up with her hands. Dahlia gulps.

"Put on a shirt," Mia groans, grabbing one from her suitcase and tossing it at her. All she's wearing is a silk slip, which is barely covering anything.

"If I would have known you were all going to burst in here I would have left it on last night," Aaliyah shrugs, pulling it on over her head. Mia crosses her arms and rolls her eyes.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" She asks, pushing her hair back and tying it up in a bun.

"Whatever you guys wanna do is fine with us. We've been hiking, to a spa, played tennis, swam all day. We're cool doing anything," Jenna tells them, as Dahlia puts her arm around her waist. There's something about her presence that keeps her calm.

"I vote we day drink and lay on the sand for the rest of the day," Aaliyah shrugs, getting out of bed and stretching.

"You definitely do take after aunt," Mia sighs under her breath, "Tennis sounds fun, though. Why don't you get ready and we'll meet you at the tennis courts? Mom left us all tennis outfits in our rooms, so I figure we may as well put them to good use."

"I'll be there in twenty," Aaliyah tells them, waving them off as she reaches in the shower to turn the water on.

So the four of them funnel out and then go to their separate ways to get dressed in tennis-appropriate outfits.

"So what do you think?" Jenna asks her, before tossing her the solid-white tennis clothes from the stack that Camila set there for them yesterday. "About my sisters, I mean."

"Um," Dahlia shrugs, pulling her shirt off. "I don't know. They're nice, I guess."

"Aaliyah is always up to something," Jenna tells her, stripping off her own clothes to put on her tennis outfit. "And if she tricks you into thinking she's not up to something, that means she's up to something that's even worse than her normal antics-which are bad enough by themselves."

"Why are you telling me this?" Dahlia asks, pulling on her skirt. She's still weirded out that they're comfortable changing in front of each other now.

"Because I saw the way she was looking at you," Jenna replies, glancing up at her. "And for whatever reason, she's attracted to you. But I did say she's a pretty big horndog, so that explains the reason she was even looking at you in the first place. She's going to try something."

"Oh, I see," she nods, looking at her with a teasing smile. "You're worried I'm gonna want her and you're jealous."

"Not in a million-no, a billion -years," Jenna laughs, pulling her shirt over her head. "I just want to make sure you don't get caught screwing my cousin at my aunt's wedding. We are supposed to be in love, so if you ruin that now I'll kill you. We're in too deep now to just throw it away."

"Of course I wouldn't do that," Dahlia scoffs, plopping down on the bed. "But would you be jealous if I did?"

"Shut up, Dahlia," she groans, reaching over and hitting her with a pillow. She pulls it from her, but she let's go just in time so she doesn't face plant against the bed. She's always quicker than her.

- Hawaii lust - Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now