where we left off

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Wednesday Addams walks into the familiar doors of Nevermore Academy. her supposed 'home away from home'. she looks around to see students of different species, interacting and socializing with one another. all happy to see each other after the much needed break.

behind Wednesday trailed in Gomez and Morticia Addams, alongside them Pugsley. Gomez walks over to his daughter and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"ay my little viper, how i wish our time was together was longer" he gushes

Wednesday looks at her father, a mixture of disgust and judgement.

"father, the three weeks we have spent together is more than enough. it made me actually want to go back to this godawful place." Wednesday says flatly

Gomez pulls his daughter in for a side hug and she stands there, accepting her fate. he walks on over to his wife's side as Pugsley walks up to his older sister.

"i'm going to miss you sis" he sniffles

"Pugsley, pull yourself together. this is not the first time you've dropped me off here, nor will it be the last." Wednesday tells him

he nods as he walks over to her and hugs her tight, Wednesday, her hands still on her side, accepts the hug. once Pugsley was satisfied, he walked back to his father's side. Morticia turns to her boys and asks for a moment alone with her daughter.

the two smile and give Wednesday a small wave as they walk out of the building and into the car. Morticia stands tall in front of Wednesday as the smaller girl has her hands clasped together in front of her.

Morticia sighs "my little rain cloud. as much as you hate to admit, i know you're loving Nevermore."

Wednesday looks at her mother with that same deadpan look she always has. not giving Morticia the satisfaction of seeing how Wednesday actually feels about her situation.

"thing will be joining you in a few days, your father and i have decided to extend his vacation. it seems as though he is enjoying his time at Transylvania." Morticia tells her daughter

the tall woman presents the black box with a white bow on the top to Wednesday, the young girl takes the box from her mother's grasp and looks at it.

"a present, i hope you enjoy it." Morticia smiles softly at Wednesday before turning around and walking back down to the car

Wednesday turns away from the door and starts walking into the halls of Nevermore Academy. she turns the corner toward the stairway that goes up to the Ophelia Hall lounge and dorms, but someone steps in front of her, blocking her way.

she looks up to see the one and only Xavier Thorpe, a smile on his face.

"wow, you actually came back" he says surprised "i waited for that text"

"i never said i would do that" Wednesday responds

"what's in the box?" Xavier asks

"i wouldn't know, i haven't opened it yet."

"have you met the new Principal?"

Xavier points to a tall man wearing an all black suit and his black hair slicked back. Wednesday looks past him and at the man who is smiling and laughing with the students, then back at Xavier.

"i have no interest in meeting him. i have unpacking to do."

Xavier moves to the side making space for Wednesday to get by. he watches as the girl walks up the stairway and sighs.

Wednesday turns the corner into the Ophelia Hall lounge where the Poe Cup trophy sat on the mantle. Ophelia Hall students gathered around the fireplace, sitting on the couches as they told stories of their hometowns and vacations.

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