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Wednesday didn't get around to tell Enid what happened in Callisto's dorm yesterday, but today was activity day at Nevermore, meaning all classes are canceled for todays events. activity day is a bit like the Poe Cup, only you aren't competing and there are rules. it became a tradition around the same time the Poe Cup did and it's Nevermore's way of welcoming their students back into another semester.

as soon as the two were done getting ready, Enid walks over toward Wednesday's side of the room, curious as to what her raven haired roommate was looking at on her desk. upon the sight of the bloody knife, Enid's face turns even paler than Wednesday's.

"is that a knife? whose blood is that?" Enid questions, practically jumping out of her own skin

"i'm not sure. i found it in Callisto's bedroom." Wednesday answers as she crosses her arms

"are you sure you should be keeping this in here? i mean if you got into the Juliet Hall dorms that easily, what makes you think no one can take that from here?"

"thing and i have a place where we store items like these. only he can get to it. Xavier's scarf and part of his blazer are hidden there."

Wednesday and Enid haven't seen Xavier in four days and Callisto and Daeva in three. Bianca was getting impatient with all of this, then suddenly Enid remembers.

"shouldn't we go to the new principal by now? i mean, it's been days and you did say that we would go." Enid tells her roommate

Wednesday turns and looks at the slightly taller blonde.

"i suppose it's time." Wednesday sighs "Thing?"

the appendage jumps down from the bed and makes his way over toward Wednesday and Enid.

"get this into the lock up." Wednesday places the cloth holding the knife inside of it on the floor

Thing gives Wednesday a thumbs up and Wednesday looks back at Enid again.

"let's go."

the ray of sunshine and storm cloud leave their dorm room, on the hunt for Nevermore's new principal. Wednesday starts to realize that up until now she doesn't even know the mans name.
deep down she does miss Weems, even though their bond wasn't exactly healthy. they even set up a space for her on their ofrenda back home.

Enid and Wednesday make their way toward the Principal's office and Wednesday lets out a shaky sigh, not ready to see the room she hasn't been in in a while. Enid knocks on the door and a voice calls out from the inside.

"come in!"

Enid opens the door and the girls instantly get hit with the smell of a forest after it just rained. Wednesday cringed at the smell and Enid's preppy look dropped. the two girls enter the room and sitting behind the desk was no longer a tall woman with shape shifting abilities, but a man with dark black hair and red eyes. he looks up from his papers and to the girls in front of him.

"ladies, how may i help you?" he questions

Wednesday looks at the name plate on the desk, which used to say "Principal Weems" but now it's "Principal Lucio"

"Principal Lucio, we're concerned about a few students in which we haven't seen in a few days," Enid starts "Xavier Thorpe, Daeva Hadeon and Callisto Montgomery."

Lucio doesn't seem surprised by the mention of his students missing, Wednesday watches intently as the man moves around and grabs a book from his desk drawer.

"hm," he hums "i'm aware that Mr. Thorpe is off visiting his father in Bucharest, as of.."

Lucio runs his finger down the book searching for the tortured artist's name. Wednesday looks around to see the different trinkets now hung around and about the office. awards with Lucio's name in them, yearbooks from different high schools and pictures of his family.

"four days ago. Xavier left Nevermore four days ago" the principal finishes his sentence

Wednesday turns her head back to the man sitting in front of her and Enid furrows her brows.

"visiting?" Wednesday asks

"do you know when he'll be back?" Enid questions

Lucio takes off his glasses and his eyes grow into a brighter red.

"What are your names?" Lucio asks

"Enid Sinclair and Wednesday Addams" Enid points to the herself and then at Wednesday, answering for the both of them

"well Ms. Sinclair" Lucio clasps his hands together and leans foreward on the desk "you have a phone, i assume Xavier Thorpe also has a phone. why don't you shoot him a dm or whatever it is that you kids call it"

it's not like Enid and Bianca haven't tried that. Xavier hasn't answered any of the texts sent to him, and it's not like him to not answer either. Enid looks at Wednesday with a questioning look, unsure of what to do. Wednesday notices the blonde run out of words and realize that it may be time for her to step in.

"Principal Lucio, i can assure you that we have tried to text Xavier. we have not gotten a response and that isn't like the Xavier Thorpe we know." Wednesday tells him

"then perhaps he is uninterested in your words Ms. Addam, perhaps Xavier is just enjoying visiting his father" Lucio shrugs

both girls take a glance at each other and then at Lucio. they both know something isn't right. they turn back to the raven haired man and Enid sighs.

"thank you for your help Principal Lucio" Enid tells him

"anytime. now, you two go and enjoy yourselves, it is activity day after all!" he grins

Enid and Wednesday make their way out of the office and back into the hall. they walk down the stairs and Wednesday instantly voices what she found weird about Lucio.

"something isn't right. he's hiding something."

"maybe Xavier really just is visiting his dad" Enid shrugs, wanting to believe that all of this was just a big misunderstanding

"if one Thorpe went to go see their father, then how come the other one is still here?" Wednesday asks as she turns her head to Xena who was talking to Yoko and Divina across the hall from them

Enid follows her roommate's gaze and looks at the girl, enjoying herself as if her brother hasn't been heard from in four days. Wednesday then turns her eyes toward the camera high on the wall, it oversees everything. if Daeva was taken from the school, surely her father would have seen it and Nevermore should be crawling with ministry agents in search of the girl by now.

"these kidnappings are happening outside of Nevermore." Wednesday tells Enid "whoever took Daeva, Callisto and Xavier led them into the woods."

"how are you so sure?" Enid questions

"because if they happened here, the cameras would have caught it. the place would be filled with ministry workers if the daughter of a very powerful man went missing in these walls." the goth explains

"i'll text Bianca to meet us at the tree line"

Enid pulls her phone out and starts to text the siren, as she does, Wednesday still thinks about Lucio and his cover story for Xavier. is he part of this? another corrupt staff member? Nevermore continues to be a place full of deceitful people.

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