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Enid fills the rest of the group in on what has happened. the blonde cannot believe that Xena would join her brother in this whole, or the fact that Xavier and Xena have an older brother, or the fact that Xander did all this because of his daddy issues.

"what the hell? Xena and Xavier have an older brother?" Bianca asks in disbelief

"i think you're focused on the wrong thing here, B." Yoko tells her

"does Thing know where Xander and Xena took Wednesday?" Kent asks

Enid looks at the appendage to answer Kent's question. the hand taps around for a sec and everyone's eyes all turn to Enid as their translator.

"he says that if we go back to Xena's room there might be something" Enid translates

"well what are we waiting for? let's go" Divina tells them

the group get up as Enid puts Thing inside her backpack, they all run toward the building and into the Pascal dorms. they make their way up the stairs and Enid lets Thing out of her backpack, they follow the hand as it crawls toward the dorm it was just in.

Enid opens it and the four people behind her slowly peek over her shoulder. the room was empty except for the chair, rope and handcuffs that were left behind. the group cautiously enters the room and begins looking around for anything that might indicate where Xena and Xander went.

Bianca and Kent looked around by Xena's bedside table as Divina and Yoko look around Xena's wardrobe. Enid and Thing scattered over around Xena's desk and looked around for anything that might be useful.

"guys?" Divina calls out

everyone in the room looks over at the two girls who kept on staring at the closet, not saying a word beyond what Divina has just said. Enid walks toward them and looks over their shoulders.

"is that?.." Enid starts

"blood." Yoko confirms "agh-"

the attention of the room turns to Yoko as she forces away from Divina and Enid. she turns her back toward the group and she takes her glasses off. Divina walks over toward her girlfriend and rubs her back as she tries to calm Yoko down.

Enid turns toward Bianca and Kent who were also watching the two girls, concerned for Yoko. Enid's worry rises.

"guys, keep looking!" Enid tells them

Thing jumps down from the desk to the floor, and shuffles his way toward Enid. Enid bends down to the appendage and grabs the piece of paper stuck between his fingers.

"he's taking her to the abandoned meeting house. there's a hatch under the fire place." Enid read out loud

"be careful Yoko." Divina tells her

the three others turn their attention toward Divina and Yoko who is currently about to bite Divina's wrist for blood. Divina shuts her eyes tight as Yoko's fangs dig into her skin. Kent starts to move forward to help his twin, but Bianca stops him.

"you, Enid and I need to get down to the meeting house. Yoko and Divina can handle themselves, and they should stay here in case Xena or Wednesday comes back." Bianca tells him

Kent looks at Divina hesitantly, but Divina nods giving him all the words he needed to hear.

"let's go." Kent nods

Enid lets Thing hop on her hand and she gently places him in her backpack. the three of them make their way out of the room. Wednesday on the other hand has found herself chained to a wall, Xander standing in front of her with his arms crossed, and Xena sitting on a chair to his left.

the only one. || Wenclairحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن