stay safe

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the next morning, Wednesday found herself laying in her own bed, unsure of what happened last night really happened. she looks across the room to her sleeping roommate, her eyes instantly soften at seeing Enid sound asleep. she watches as the blonde tosses and turns, eventually waking herself up with how much she was moving.

Enid stares at the ceiling for a good five seconds before looking across the room toward Wednesday who was already looking at her. Enid's eyes lit up at the sight of the storm cloud.

"hi" Enid mouths

"hi." Wednesday mouths back

Enid motions for Wednesday to make her way toward Enid's bed and the goth gets up without hesitation. the werewolf moves over, and makes space for her roommate to lay with her. Wednesday gets under Enid's covers and the blonde instantly snuggles herself into Wednesday.

Enid looks up at Wednesday and she stretches up, planting a kiss on the goth's lips. Wednesday returns the kiss, the psychic feeling her lover smile in the kiss. their lips syncing in perfect harmony. Enid pulls away and smiles softly at Wednesday, admiring the girl's facial features.

"good morning"

"good morning indeed." Wednesday smirks

Enid snuggles back into Wednesday's arms, their worries and problems washed into the rest of the world's worries and problems. it was just them, the world continues to move as they lay in each other's arms. granted, they've laid like this before, but this time it's different. they're completely open to each other now.

Wednesday is letting Enid love her, and she's returning it the way she can. she's never been loved in this way before, she knows her mother and father love her, but Enid's love, the love they share. it's stronger than the love both her parents have for her.


"yes, Wednesday?"

Enid holds the hand that Wednesday has wrapped around her and the blonde starts to fidget with the raven haired girl's fingers.

"you've enamoured me in a way i've never felt before. i'd like to apologize in advance if i don't return the same infatuation."

"that's okay, i understand that this is all new for you. we can take our time" Enid assures the girl, smiling up at her

Wednesday's heart beats for this girl. a beat so strong that nothing can contain it.

"i can hear your heart beating" Enid teases

"shut it before i drown you in the tub." Wednesday rolls her eyes, a smirk slowly creeping on her lips

Enid chuckles at the girl and they continue on to lay in silence. it seemed like everything is how it should be, they both have what they've been missing this whole time.

"Enid? do you think we'll solve this?"

and just like that, their moment is ruined. all of their worries and problems washed back into the shore of their lives, and they're back to playing Sherlock and Watson.

"we have to," Enid answers as she sits up "i want this to be all over with. i want you and i to be able to go through the rest of our years at Nevermore without having to worry about a stalker, or an outcast, or a supernatural pilgrim."

Enid cups Wednesday's cheek. she can tell the girl is doubting herself and her abilities in mystery solving. Wednesday has yet to leave a mystery unsolved and Enid knows what the girl is capable of.

"we'll figure this out. YOU'LL figure this out" she makes sure to emphasize on the "you'll"

Enid leans over and places a gentle kiss on Wednesday's lips and the psychic returns it before Enid can pull away. they smile softly at each other and then Enid gets out of the bed.

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