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Enid treads carefully into the forestry as opposed to her witch-psychic counterpart, Wednesday examines everything that is in her way, looking for clues as to if anyone has been in the area.

"i don't understand why we couldn't go and ask Bianca where she found Xavier's blazer, that would've been a way faster process" Enid whispers

"why are you whispering?"

"because we have no idea what's out here!" Enid whisper-yells

Wednesday gives Enid a look of derision and they continue to walk. Enid looks around, but not for the same reason as Wednesday. she's looking around to see if anyone was really watching them. she lets out a soft gasp as Wednesday catches her off guard by placing her arm out, stopping Enid from walking.

she bends down to the ground and tucked into the greenery was a silver necklace. Wednesday picks it up, Enid looks down at it.

"a necklace?" Enid questions

"not just any necklace," Wednesday stands up and holds it up for the girl to see "Daeva Hadeon's."

the charm on the necklace is the Hadeon family crest. Wednesday saw it all on a poster in Daeva's room before she got caught, and behind the charm, the initials 'D.J.H' was carved in.

"Daeva Jules Hadeon" Enid deciphers the initials

"how do you know her middle name?" Wednesday looks at Enid with questioning look

"she hated her middle name so Ajax would always call her Jules, she kept on making him accidentally stone himself" Enid tells her roommate

"what a joy" Wednesday says sarcastically

a branch snaps and Enid whips her head toward the sound. Wednesday not noticing it, Enid grips onto her roommate harder.

"Enid, you're about to dig your nails into my skin, what are you gripping me so hard for?" Wednesday questions

"did you not hear that?" Enid lowers her tone back to a whisper

"it's probably just an animal, come on, Xavier's studio is this way"

Wednesday starts to walk away but Enid grabs her hand pulling her back.

"can we please just go back to the dorm? i don't feel comfortable here." Enid asks

Wednesday furrows her brows in frustration, not really understanding Enid's fear of the woods. it's not like they don't come here everyday.

"Enid, why are you so uncomfortable with being out here? you're a werewolf, you're supposed to love the woods."

"because this is where Tyler almost killed you! god, Wednesday, are you really that desensitized to feelings?" Enid asks on the verge of tears, remembering her fight with Tyler, where her insecurities started

Wednesday stands there and watches her roommate try and push back her tears, out of nowhere, Wednesday's face softens and she just hugs the girl. Enid breaks down into her shoulder as she very much needed this. just her and Wednesday.

their moment is broken by Wednesday's phone vibrating in her pocket, both girls pull away and Wednesday pulls out the sanity sucking device from her pocket. the screen lights up and Enid sniffles, Wednesday opens the text to a picture of the two of them hugging just now.

"what the fuck." Enid whispers

"let's get you out of here."

as they walked back toward the school, Wednesday switched sides to be able to wrap her left arm around Enid and be able to use her right hand to quickly pull out her knife which was tucked into her holster.

as they got closer to Nevermore's campus, Wednesday detaches herself from Enid's side and the blonde quickly longed for the goth's cold touch once again, but she didn't want to say anything.

"we need to find Bianca and show her what we found." Wednesday tells her roommate as they walk toward one of the many entrances into Nevermore

"why don't i just text her to meet us in our dorm?" Enid says as she pulls out her phone

Enid starts to text Bianca as her and Wednesday enter into the school. Wednesday stops as she sees Xena talking to one of the guys from their Psychology of Macabre class, a heated argument is a better way to describe it. the guy is Gabe Fernandez, he looks angry, but Xena looked even angrier.

Wednesday puts her hand on Enid's shoulder, preventing her from walking away, but instead she falls into a vision. Enid quickly catches the girl as she falls.

"is this okay?" Enid questions

Wednesday nods consenting. their faces inches away from each others as they lean in, her cold, pale lips colliding with Enid's.

"are you okay?" Enid questions as the girl comes back from her vision

Wednesday's eyes widen at the sight of the blonde and she stands up with Enid's help. her heart starts to beat out of her chest and she suddenly felt as if someone was choking her.

"you go and accompany Bianca up to the dorm. i'm going to head up first and prepare all the evidence we have of Xavier and Daeva's disappearance." Wednesday breathes out

she walks away quickly from Enid, not looking back. her chest feeling like a whole part of the great wall of China was stacked on top of it. Enid watches her roommate walk away with great confusion.

'she's acting weird.' the blonde thought 'but she's always weird'

Enid shrugs and heads toward Bianca and Divina's dorm. back at her own, Wednesday finally lets out all the heavy breathing she's been keeping in since her vision.

suddenly the strong smell of neroli and bergamot fills her sinuses, she whips her head toward her bed where thing is flipping through pages of one of Enid's magazines. Wednesday walks over toward him, trying to keep herself composed as she always seems to be.

"hello, thing." Wednesday greets him as she tries to remain her cold hearted self, but thing just sees right through her

"no, i have nothing to tell you. Nevermore continues to be a bore." Wednesday answers to the hand's movements "Enid will be up shortly."

Wednesday walks toward the big window, her vision still lingering in her mind. Thing jumps down from the bed and makes his way toward Wednesday, he taps her shoe and Wednesday looks down at him, her arms crossed.

"what?" Wednesday asks the appendage

Thing moves his fingers around, a language only he, Wednesday and Enid seem to understand.

"i have nothing to share with you. go over to Enid's side and grab another brain rotting magazine." Wednesday tells him

he taps her shoe again, Wednesday a bit less patient this time picks up the hand. she brings him over to her desk and pins him down.

"i have nothing to tell you. leave it alone."

the door opens and Wednesday lets the appendage go. Enid walks in with Bianca trailing behind her.

"what did you two find?" the siren questions

"thing? holy shit you're back!" Enid exclaims of excitement as she sees the appendage "i have SO much to tell you"

she picks the hand up from the floor and pets the stub on his forearm, Thing tapping a finger like a dog recieving belly rubs. Bianca walks over to Wednesday as she lays out all of the things they've collected. 

"i was hoping you could tell me." 

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