Bringing them in^^

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Arthur pov:
"God I am so tired...." I muttered absent-mindedly walking through the hallways lost in my thoughts recalling the past few hectic days I had especially after that fatty had died I was too damn busy to even have a wink of sleep all the members of the dc committee were extremely busy under the orders of claire and the director. 'Sigh.....' "I have a bad feeling about all this the director is hiding something but I didn't have a chance to confront her I was sure she was hiding things from us and just made me even more uneasy.

Shaking my head I dispelled these thoughts and focused on my patrolling.
".....It's eerily quiet...." I couldn't hear anything nor could I feel anyone's presence near me. Narrowing my gaze I walked ahead with my alertness raised to the max I stopped near a flower vase with no flowers in it I wordlessly picked it up and.... smashed it on the ground the glass pieces were scattered all around but ''.... there was no noise of the vase breaking. What the hell was happening here I swear to God if this is some kind of prank by the director---- and just when I thought things couldn't get weird I was hit by a blinding white light and the next moment I was in front of a huge theatre..? with lots of seats but not a single person.

''What the fuck....? I couldn't help but curse out loud.

'Arthur Leywin language'! bellowed someone who was none other than my mother now that I had a closer look it was not only my mother but my whole family, along with the twin horns, the dc committee, and the council members with their lances.

I was blankly staring at them when I realized that everybody had their attention on me and my mother. Whereas she continued to glare at me.
"Have I finally gone crazy?" I spoke aloud ignoring my mother. "That's what I should be asking brat, not you" came the reply from my favorite gramps As he casually continued walking towards me. I couldn't help but scoff "You always have been crazy nothing new" I could see everyone's eyes become as big as a saucer except for the eraliths just chuckled at my poor joke.

"Heh cheeky brat, well keeping the jokes aside do you know what's happening"?
Virion's face grew serious as did mine "Unfortunately no, one moment I was at the Academy next moment here I am." Hearing us speak with such seriousness Everyone quickly snapped out of their daze and walked towards us.
*crack!* the space in front of us was torn open. Without hesitation, all the fighters quickly pulled out their weapon and pushed back the non-combatants. I couldn't help but be nervous I had absolutely no idea what the fuck was even happening. As much as I hated to admit it I had already begun to make plans to abandon everyone except my family and the eraliths. My thoughts were cut short when the crack expanded and a single person stepped out from it

"Hello everyone it's nice to meet you" the unknown person politely greeted us. The said person didn't show any malicious or hostile reaction yet we didn't lower our swords for the simple reason that we couldn't sense him even though he was standing right in front of us. "Who are you?" Still, wary and alarmed grams asked in a composed manner as expected of him.

The figure raised both of his arms before calmly responding "Please put your weapons down I mean no harm, as for who I am you may refer to me as 'Zero' A simple name yes?

"Zero is simple enough yes now let me ask you again are you the one who brought us here?" "Yes, I am the one who brought you all here why you ask?" "It's because you are all going to be seeing a very important person's past future and present basically his whole life and reacting to it." He casually said it as if it was something of an everyday occurrence. While everyone was busy looking at 'zero' speechlessly I couldn't help but become nervous I was damn sure that they would all be reacting to me. Damn it! I am not ready yet. "Do not worry I won't reveal about your past life just yet I'll do it once you are ready you know you would tell them the truth sooner or later." Zero mentally transmitted this message.

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