"End Of The Line"

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"What the hell was that, Glayder? I thought we had an agreement," Dawsid barked after slamming the door of my study.

'Virion's eyes instantly narrowed with that single sentence he could already make a rough guess about what was about to happen.'

'Arthur also understood where this conversation was about to and he motioned the 'Twin horns' to be on guard. He subtly glanced towards Virion and they both met each other's eyes and the message was conveyed.'

"Yes. I am well aware of our agreement. Rest assured, you will have me, and my wife's, vote, Dawsid.

'The Leywins and the Helstias drew a sharp breath anger already coursing through their veins but they refrained from reacting with a sharp look from Arthur.'

'Meanwhile, Curtis and Kathlyn's pupils shook a look of betrayal and disbelief on their faces but it was hidden due to their hair covering their faces.'

'The DC club could only stare in astonishment at the screen

However, even you cannot make me spout such irrational accusations at the boy who has just saved the entire future generation of this continent, including my children," I responded icily, pouring myself a glass of aged liquor.

"And I'm saying that there will be no future generation if you do not side with me! Arthur and his bond have to go.

That was the agreement. They have to be brought back to Him if we hope to have a future on this continent."

"I know what the stakes are, Dawsid. I do not need you badgering me every moment you feel insecure," I hissed.

"What you and I are doing is betraying the entire population, you realize that, yes?"

"Yes, all because of the insatiable greed the two of you have. For God's Sake! What fucking abominations of kings are you?!" Virion snapped unable to control his anger

The entire atmosphere had become thick with tension no one said anything a fight could be broken out at any moment.

I stared at the dwarf. Though I was seated and he was standing, our eyes were almost level.

"It's not betrayal if the continent is already bound for annihilation.

"The continent is already doomed for annihilation if incompetent pieces of shit like you are ruling over an entire race" Virion's rage was seething from every word he spoke

"Enough! You have been barking for a long time! What do you bastards even know? So what if I sacrifice those peasants below me?! I am royalty! Dawsid unable to bear the humiliation burst out his face becoming ugly as spit flew everywhere.

"Royalty? you? Arthur's cold voice reverberated everywhere as his bloodlust spilled freely instantly suffocating most of them Dawsids face contorted to fear while the Lances felt an immense threat.

"You just wait there ill tear you apart with my bare hands once this video ends, until then enjoy the few minutes you have left to live in fear as you imagine your imminent death." With every word Arthur spoke Dawsid could feel an icy grip suffocating him.

[A/N: Was this cringe? please tell me so I can avoid adding such moments in the future]

Virion backed down judging that it was enough for him and he agreed with Arthur that killing him would be the best option but on the off chance it wasn't... 'I don't care I'll still kill him.'

'Heh, bad luck I guess not that it mattered when they would be killed either way.' Zero gazed at them indifferently

"And don't think I forgotten about you Blaine ill be killing you too." Arthur's cold voice made Blaine flinch in terror

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