6: Small Victory

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Annabeth POV

I felt bad for Percy. Thalia kept reassuring me that I did the right thing by telling Percy the truth, but that didn't make me feel any better. I still felt sad and bad because Percy was hurt. While it wasn't my fault, it still sucks to have your heart broken.

The whole school found out that Percy and Drew broke up. Everyone also knew that Percy and Luke were no longer on speaking terms.

"Do you think Percy will come to school today?" Piper asked.

"I don't know," Thalia answered honestly. "He didn't come to school the last two days. I'd be surprised if he didn't take today off too since its Friday."

Piper stopped walking and caught both of our attention. She looked into both of our eyes before looking down again. I knew what she was thinking. Piper was always sensitive when it comes to relationships. She appreciates them so much, and she loves talking about them. however, Piper was scared of love deep down.

Piper has really famous parents. Tristan McLean is a A-list actor while Aphrodite is an even more popular model. It sucks to say that she doesn't get much love and attention from them. It makes sense that she's guarded about love and relationships.

"Can you imagine loving people and them betraying you?" Piper asked quietly.

The question certainly struck a nerve with me. My mother loved me at one point, but she also betrayed me and my dad by leaving us.

"It makes romance a scary thought," Piper whispered sadly.

"Pipes, just because this awful thing happened to Percy doesn't mean that we'll have to go through the same thing. You don't have to worry about that," I said firmly. Thalia nodded in support.

Piper smiled at both of us. "You both are like my best friends. Promise me that neither of you will hurt me like Luke hurt Percy."

"We promise," Thalia and I stated.

And, we meant it.

Fortunately, the conversation turned light again. Within a few minutes, we separated to go to our respective classes. I had biology where Percy was my desk partner. I would never admit it out loud, but it's been lonely without him the past few days.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Percy at our table.

I smiled tentatively before walking to my chair next to his. Percy was wearing a hoodie over his head, but I could see his dull facial expressions. He looked sad or (at least) disturbed.

"Hi, Percy," i greeted softly.

He didn't answer. He didn't even acknowledge me. In fact, Percy scooted a little ways away from me and kept his face looking at the board.

I gulped my nerves before continuing, "Um, how are you feeling?"

Gosh, that's such a stupid question! He was probably feeling terrible, and I only reminded him of everything that happened. I bit my lip and waited for a response.

None came though.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked quietly, remembering our last conversation. He was fuming and basically accused me of making up lies. Percy was very angry, and I could understand why. Now, he just seemed to be upset and disappointed.

The silent treatment continued no matter how many questions I asked.

That's when I realized a big quality of his character. Percy wears his emotions on his sleeve; he's an open book. He doesn't bother keeping secrets from his friends (or frenemies, in this case). This is a good and bad quality.

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