32: Olympian Part 2

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Annabeth POV

I was watching the Olympics with anticipation.

Previously, I had never been a huge fan of sports. I was more interested in doing my school work and reading rather than attending sports events or watching the Olympics on tv. Not to mention, the last Olympics was four years ago (at the end of eight grade).

I was just never interested in the biggest sports competition in the world.

Yet, I remained glued to the tv for this year's Olympics.

"Annabeth, Percy won't swim for another half-hour," Thalia informed me. "The Butterfly 100m finals is scheduled for 1 pm Eastern Standard Time."

"It's close to 8 pm for them in Greece," I stated.

"I wonder if he's exhausted at the end of a long day?" Rachel surmised. It was a logical question to ask. It would be natural for someone to be more tired at the end of the day.

"You don't have to worry about that," Jason explained, sitting down on the couch with a bag of chips. "First of all, if Percy's tired, then all the other swimmers are tired too. Secondly, Percy's is a competitor; he nows what he's doing. I'm sure his coaches made him rest and refuel throughout the day."

"Makes sense to me," Rachel agreed.

Piper and Leo came into the room arguing. Apparently, Leo made Piper pay for the pizzas even though it was Leo's turn to pay.

"I forgot to bring my wallet," Leo apologized guiltily.

"You probably forgot it on purpose so you wouldn't have to pay," Piper countered.

"I resent that accusation," Leo snapped.

Everyone was laughing at their banter. Piper and Leo could honestly be siblings by the way they fought with each other. It was a good day. We all were hanging out today since 10 o'clock at Piper's house, and it was lunch time now.

Frank and Hazel were cuddled on the loveseat. Rachel, Jason, and I were on the couch. Thalia took the beanbag chair. Leo and Piper settled on the ground in front of me and Jason. Will and Nico were watching too at Will's house, but they couldn't make it today.

My gaze turned back to the tv.

The crowd started cheering loudly, indicating that the swimmers were coming out. Percy walked out of the locker rooms smiling. Chiron was right behind him.

Percy looked so good and in his element. I'm not just saying this because he's on a flat-screen tv, wearing only a slim-tight US Olympic swim short. Regardless, Percy was so attractive, even for a swimmer, Percy was beyond in terms of looks. Plus, the fact that Percy is always so charismatic and positive only adds to his physical appeal.

He payed respects to a fellow swimmer, Sung Guo, before lining up at his lane. With two minutes remaining, Percy climbed onto the springboard and steadied himself. All the swimmers did, but my eyes were only on Percy.

Our whole room was holding our breath, watching the Butterfly 100m finale.

Then, the SHOT boomed loudly

The swimmers dove into the pool and swam, giving their work with the pool. It's crazy how fast swimmers are. They were like human sharks, ripping through the water.

"They're all freakin sexy mermen," Leo gasped in awe.

We were too invested in the competition to acknowledge Leo's ridiculous comment. There was some truth in his words though. Percy and all his competitors too were just that impressive. It must feel incredible to be at the top of the game.

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