9: Gummy Bear

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Percy POV

Oh my gods, life is so hard...

The only way that I'm coping with the stress is by sticking to a strict schedule. Chiron laid my days out to me by the second, and I had to follow it. Lupa was more rigid than Chiron. She doesn't care about nonsense and distractions.

I realized that during practice this week. She was trying to force me to get homeschooled. She kept repeating the sentiment that this would make life easier. I'd be able to commit more time and energy to swimming.

However, without school, I'd probably go insane.

After all, school is when I see most of my friends now. I was too invested in swimming to skip practices to hang out with my friends and family.

"Being homeschooled would allow you to have a more flexible schedule," Lupa repeated. "I know what I'm talking about."

"I understand, Coach Lupa, but I want to go to school," I said.

I had just finished swimming on Thursday night, and I was getting packed up in the locker room to go home. Chiron and Lupa made sure I had changed before coming to talk to me. Of course, all the other athletes left already. We practiced late today.

Chiron sighed while walking to me. They were both trying to convince me to get homeschooled, but I had already made up my mind.


"Don't try to intimidate me with my full name. I love swimming, and I am invested in our schedule and our commitment. Please don't make me choose," I expressed.

I sat down on the changing bench and looked up at them. I wasn't sure what my facial expressions were saying, but both of them softened. I felt stressed enough right now, and not having school would help me out.

"I want the freedom of having my friends' comfort. I want the distraction too because I'd always be thinking about swimming and the Olympic trials otherwise," I expressed. "I don't think homeschooling will help me like you guys think it will."

"You're right, Percy," Chiron admitted. I looked to him with a smile. He nodded at me and stood up. "Lupa, the schedule is working fine right now. We should continue for now and see where it goes. We don't need to change anything right now."

"But, Chiron-"

"This is his life, Lupa. Let him live as he wants," Chiron said firmly. "Besides, I have faith in Percy. He will remain focused and committed."

"Distractions can come about in any way," Lupa warned, looking at me. "You need to set your priorities and stick to them. This will be your biggest challenge, Percy. Don't get in scenarios with friends or family that can jeopardize your career. It's not the time right now."

I nodded in understanding, relieved that she was pressing me into homeschooling. At least, I convinced her about one thing.

The last two weeks have just been about setting ground rules and creating a proper training regimen. The rules were pretty standard athlete recommendations. Have a healthy diet, follow the regimen, participate in conditioning, therapy, and strengthening, etc.

Also, it's really important to stay off drugs and alcohol.

I'm underage anyway, not that it stopped me in the past. I've had a few drinks already at parties. However, this was Lupa's and Chiron's strictest rule going forward. Drugs and alcohol are just a downward spiral, they said.

I'm not going to let those substances in my body anymore. I promised them.

I'm following everything they were saying because I want this. I want this more than I can even express into words. I've never been the best at anything except swimming. It's time to prove that I can be successful too.

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