Chapter 2

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Adira's POV:

Past Continued...

The room was luxurious yet elegant. The walls were light gray and white, while a large window offered a view of the city. A dark shadow stood by the window, staring outside.

I observed the man with his back turned to me, emanating an intimidating and powerful aura.

"Have a seat, Miss Jackson," he said authoritatively. He turned around and walked back to his desk, his expression cold. As I looked at him, I noticed his handsome features, pointed with light brown eyes and slightly wet hair neatly styled with gel. A small smirk briefly appeared on his face, accompanied by a flicker of amusement in his eyes. But it vanished quickly, replaced by his usual cold demeanor. I furrowed my brows, trying to decipher why he seemed amused. Suddenly, it struck me that I must have looked like a teenager staring at him, with my mouth open in curiosity. I mentally scolded myself, feeling embarrassed. There was something familiar about him, as if I had seen his face before.

Shaking off my thoughts, I quickly thanked him and confidently took a seat opposite him.

"I hope you understand that our company doesn't hire based on personal references," he said, referring to our grandfather's friendship. I had advised my grandpa not to ask him for a job, but he insisted, claiming it would put his mind at ease if I worked for someone he knew. Now, Mr. Knight had a negative impression of me.

"I am aware of that, sir, and I assure you that I am confident in my capabilities," I replied professionally.

"Miss Jackson, you have impressive qualifications, not to mention your family business to join. So, why do you want to work here as an executive assistant when you could apply for any executive position given your achievements?" he inquired, his eyes boring into mine.

"Thank you, sir. I appreciate your acknowledgment of my achievements. The reason I wish to join as an executive assistant is to gain a different work experience and learn various things that I wouldn't be able to learn while working at my father's company," I answered politely.

"As you may be aware, I have a three-year gap in my resume due to personal reasons. That's why I don't want to jump straight into an executive position. I believe in working my way up by gaining experience as an executive assistant," I added.

"The only thing I ask of you, Miss Jackson, is to be punctual and excel at your job. I am quite difficult to work with, so the only way you can survive here is by working hard and not disappointing me," he stated, his gaze fixed on mine.

"I will do my best and never let you down, sir," I responded politely, offering him a sincere smile. He stared at me without blinking for a few seconds before clearing his throat and nodding.

"Very well then. You can start from Monday. Please meet Mrs. Richard, the receptionist, and she will explain your job description," he instructed.

I expressed my gratitude and exited the room, noticing that the other candidates had already left. Mrs. Richard congratulated me on the job and kindly explained my job duties. She was a friendly lady in her mid-forties.

From that day forward, I began working for Simon Knight. True to his words, he proved to be challenging to work with. He never accepted "No" for an answer, whether it was related to a business deal or his personal life. He worked relentlessly, even on weekends. On several occasions when I went to the office, I realized he had stayed overnight, working without returning home. For Simon Knight, there were only two things he truly cherished: his mother and grandfather who were his sole family members, and his company. The man was truly married to his work.

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