Chapter 57

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Adira's POV:

I ran as fast as I could, pushing through bushes and following the cries. I didn't have to run for long when the voice became clear. Soon, I caught a glimpse of two burly figures walking away, one of them carrying Atlas over his shoulder. My heart pounded in my chest as I saw the tears streaming down my son's face and heard his desperate cries, calling for us.

Catching them off guard, I charged toward their backs and delivered a powerful kick to one of the men. He stumbled forward, losing his balance, and crashed to the ground. Just as the second man, who was holding Atlas, spun around in shock, I quickly circled my leg and kicked him between his legs with a full force. He let out a painful cry and dropped Atlas on the ground before cupping his injured part.

In the blink of an eye, I retrieved a loaded gun from behind my back and threw my body on the ground just as Atlas' small body landed on me. I wrapped a protective arm around him and shot the man I had kicked in the back, who was coming at us. I aimed for his head and fired. Without any delay, I then shot the man who was lying on the ground, groaning in pain. I glanced sharply towards the movement around me but seeing Valor looking at me and the men I shot in shock, I relaxed, dropping my gun on the ground and focused on Atlas, whose body was trembling in my arms.

"That's it, sweetheart, that's it, Mama is here, you're safe." I embraced him tightly in my arms, stroking his back as he buried his face in my chest. I tried to coo him gently but my own body was shaking in fright till now. I tried to relax myself inhaling his scent.

"Mom, M-Mom, Mom..." He repeated like a mantra between hiccups. His body relaxed a little, but he was still shaking.

"M-Mom, they p-planned to kill you and D-dad. They- they said they will kill you both and- and grandpa too..." He looked up at me and started crying again. My body stiffened when I noticed the scratch marks on his face and cut on his lips. I was about to answer him when a voice from my earpiece distracted me.

"L-OV-E? A-ADI-RA!" I heard Aiden's loud, yet broken voice in my ear. I immediately placed my hand on the earpiece and asked, "Aiden! Can you hear me?"

"Ad-ira, wh-ere are-" I couldn't catch what he said exactly, but I knew he must be within an 80-meter radius if his device was still connected.

"Aiden, I'm a hundred meters west of the factory. We're here. Can you hear me?" If my instincts were correct, there would be nothing at the second and third hideouts either. We were heading in the wrong direction.

"What? Wa-it th-er-e, I'll-" I believe he was asking us to wait, but this area was far from safe. If they were taking Atlas somewhere, it meant their main hideout was likely nearby. I couldn't risk staying here.

"Aiden, I found Atlas. Meet me near the factory, don't come this way. I'll explain later..." I wasn't sure how much he could comprehend in this chaotic situation, but for now, I needed to get out of here. With that, I shifted my focus.

I turned to Atlas, who clung to me as if his life depended on it. I wrapped both arms around him and stood up, gripping my gun and concealed it behind my back again.

"Atlas, my dear, we'll be fine. Nothing will happen to any of us, I promise. Mom is here with you! Let's go, your dad is waiting," I reassured him gently, then turned to walk back with Valor by my side. But as I took just a few steps, the distinct sound of guns being cocked reached my ears.

"Oh, oh, oh! So Mama bear thinks she's clever, huh?!" A wicked snort echoed from behind us, causing my body to tense up immediately. I recognized that voice.

Clara Davidson!

Valor, who had been walking behind us, swiftly turned towards her and instinctively positioned himself to shield us. Atlas trembled once again in fear.

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