Chapter 58

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Aiden's POV:

I rushed back towards the factory, my heart pounding in my chest. I tried to call for Ryan, Rafe and others who were inside the building but I was met with silence.

This cannot be!

As I got closer to the factory, my worst fears came true. It was completely destroyed, like a massive bomb had gone off. The walls were in pieces, the windows shattered, and everything was covered in dust. It was as if a storm had ripped through, leaving nothing but ruins behind.

"RAFE!! RYAN!! ZED!!" I yelled desperately, hoping for a response, but there was only silence. My heart pounded in my chest as I quickly ordered the men to surround the wreckage and search for them.

We found a few of our men who had been inside, and thankfully, they were relatively unharmed. According to their accounts, the explosion originated from the first floor where Atlas' tracker had been placed. As I made my way towards the backside of the factory, I heard groans emanating from a short distance away. Without hesitation, I rushed towards the source.

"Rafe! Rafe!" I called out, spotting Rafael. His leg was trapped under the rubble, injured but not severely.

"I-I'm fine, just a minor leg injury. Have you found Ryan? He was closest to the explosion," he asked anxiously. I shook my head, concern evident in my voice.

"Not yet. We're still searching, and we've found a few of our men with minor injuries, but no sign of Ryan," I replied, my worry palpable.

"He'll be okay, don't worry. It's Enzo we're talking about. He's cheated death multiple times," Rafael reassured me, patting my shoulder. I helped him up and guided him towards a safer area.

"You're out of this mission, Rafe, and that's an order," I said firmly, anticipating his resistance. He scowled and attempted to argue, but I directed the other men to take care of him and headed back towards the right side of the factory.

"Aiden?!" Ryan's voice crackled through the earpiece.

"Ryan? F**k! Where the hell are you?!" I exclaimed, my worry and frustration reaching their peak.

"Damn, man, are you auditioning for a high-pitched voice role?" Ryan's voice sounded weak.

"This is not the time for jokes. Tell me where you are!" I scanned the surroundings, searching for his figure, but no one was in sight.

"I'm okay, on the west side of the factory. Get over here, but be quiet. Bring the others too," he commanded with authority.

I knew something was amiss. I rushed towards him and ordered the men to follow. Within a few meters, I found Ryan standing next to a tree, waiting for us. Blood trickled down from his head, but he appeared remarkably calm.

"What's happening?" I asked, standing close to him.

"I sent a man to the second and third hideouts to warn the others and instruct them to come this way. The hideouts are most likely traps. They knew we were coming and planned all of this," Ryan explained, gesturing towards the recently created rough passage.

My brows furrowed, and a sudden fear gripped me as my eyes fell upon a familiar object—an unmistakable subcompact pistol. My heart raced uncontrollably. The only person who carried that gun in our mission was Adira. I had seen her conceal it inside her boot.

I stared at the way blankly. She went this way, without security or team. What if...?

No! Nothing would happen to her. She is a brave woman.

I tried to reassure myself, but my heart refused to calm down as dreadful scenarios filled my mind.


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