Chapter 18

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Adira's POV:

"Are you okay?" I heard Logan ask, worriedly. I looked at him and nodded.

"I am okay, just need some time." I answered in a small voice and looked out of the window again.

We have been driving aimlessly for hours because I didn't want to go home. It's noon already and it has started raining as well.

I stared at the streets of London. The rain has created a melancholic atmosphere.. just like my heart.

A lone tear escaped my eye as the memories of the past that I have buried deep inside my heart came back to me.

Love.. what is it? Is it important? Does it make you strong? Or does it make you weak?

It doesn't matter anymore. There was a time once when I thought love could make you the strongest but now I know that it's also love that makes you the weakest as well. I might be weak but I am not stupid..

Lies.. Betrayal.. Deception.. in a relationship, if people say that what they did was unintentional then know that it's a lie..

Because no lies, no deception and no betrayal is unintentional, it's always planned and intentional. If you believe it, you are just giving them another chance to take you for granted and a right to roll over your heart.

I have been through enough because of the man named Aiden Alvertos and I will not go down that road again.

I don't forgive people who deceive and cheat, no matter how much I love them. Once it's over then it's the end.

You will never get through my heart again Aiden Alvertos.. Not in this life!!

Aiden's POV:

I stood at the gate of the mansion, not knowing what to do. Should I go in?

After everything that happened in the car, I don't know how to face her.

Especially knowing that she regretted it made my heart clenched painfully in my chest.

I rang the doorbell and waited anxiously. My hands were shaking a little and I was sweating profusely, knowing that I will meet my son as well.

A middle aged woman, who looked like a maid, came out and asked me who I am and who I want to meet.

"Sorry sir, Miss Jackson isn't back yet," I furrowed my brows. She didn't go to the office today.

She must be still with that Rossi guy. The thought made my blood boil with rage.

"Who's it, Flora?" A small cold voice came from behind her. I looked behind her and there he stood, staring at me sharply. He looked at me and then the maid.

"Let him in, I know him," he said to the woman seriously.

"But master Atlas-" she hesitated.

"It's okay, Flora, let him in," he said and went inside, not bothering to look at me again.

The maid let me in and led me to the lounge area where Atlas was sitting with his hands folded on his chest as he stared at the ground.

I sat on the couch in front of him nervously staring at him. Just a little interaction with him and I knew he was not just a simple kid. He was cold, sharp and not to mention, extremely smart.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Alvertos Aberra?" He repeated his question which he asked me before but he was still staring at the ground calmly.

"You know me? Did your mom say anything about me?" I asked with a little hope.

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