Chapter 30

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The Past - III

Aiden's POV:

I was about to leave the hospital when my phone rang. It was from the hospital. I furrowed my eyebrows and picked up the call.

"Mr. Aberra, your grandfather just had a heart attack, please hurry to the hospital." I closed my car door and went running inside. Please be safe grandpa. I walked to the doctor who was going to the ICU.

"How's my grandpa, Doc?" I asked worriedly.

"We will see Mr. Aberra but his condition is critical for now, we already warned before that he needs to be free from stress because his heart is weak and Miss Jackson ensured that he would be happy and heal fast but it didn't turn out like this," he went inside the theater. Is that what Adira was telling me?

I sat there for a while thinking. Soon, the Jackson family arrived and I looked at her with hostility.

It's all her fault. If she hadn't agreed to the marriage, nothing like this would have happened. I knew she did that so grandpa would not be sad but.. still.

When she glared back at me with the same intensity, I couldn't keep my eyes at her. She made me feel many unusual things. Those hazel eyes are dangerous for me and I know I won't be able to escape this.

When the doctor informed us that he was stable, I turned to Adira for a talk and she agreed hesitantly. Mateo gave me a sharp look suddenly but I didn't care and took her to the garden area of the hospital.

"Let's get married!" I blurted out. Did I just say that?!

I just wanted grandpa to be happy and I will do it for him. There's no other reason!

'Really, now?' my inner voice asked in a mocking tone. I ignored it.

"Have you gone crazy?" She replied coldly. She was giving me this cold treatment now, great.. just great.

"You were the one who started this mess, so take responsibility now,"

"Excuse me? You were the one who made this mess because you couldn't keep calm," she retorted and I swear I want to shut her pretty mouth again.

"I wasn't the one who agreed on marriage," I let out sharply.

"Neither did I." She snapped at me.

"Besides, how can you ask me to marry you when you don't even know my name?" She stated, coldly before getting up from the bench and turned to go.

"Adira Beyonce Jackson!" I stood up and looked at her smirking and raised eyebrow.

She looked back at me and answered "My answer is still no. It will always be no. I don't go for loveless marriages and I don't understand why you even ask me such an absurd thing when you're in love with someone else?" What?! In love with someone else? Is she crazy, where did she get this idea from?!

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused. Love?! It's not even in my vocabulary.

"I know you're in love with Clara Davidson!" she stated flatly but I didn't miss a flash of hurt that passed through her eyes. Impossible!!

Was she affected by me as well? I recalled our past encounters and looked at her blankly. And what's with me in love with Clara?! Who is that woman anyway?

Wait!! She said Davidson, which means Ryan's sister whom I hugged before to show her. That f*****g... Damn! I wanted to tell her there's nothing going on between us and I didn't even remember her name but..

Isn't this for good?! She thinks I am in love with someone else and she will keep her distance from me because I keep losing control in front of her.

I raised an eyebrow and just stared at her for a while before saying, "I never said it will be a real marriage," Okay! Maybe that was the wrong thing to say.. Especially when I have no intentions to make it fake.

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