Beauty and the Beastiality

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Chapter 1

Our story begins in the small town of Alsace where the  lovely and smart young woman named Belle lives. " Honey, could you come here for a moment?" Maurice calls for Belle.  "I'll be down soon father!" Belle says as she quickly puts her hair up and runs down the stairs.

As I reach the bottom of the steps  I can see my father pacing back and forth through the dining room. Though I cant see him very well I can tell she is very distraught."Oh dear oh dear where is it where is it!?!?"

my father says as I enter the room."Oh Belle there you are! I-um I  seem to have misplaced one of  my bolts for my new invention."

I look at my father as he is bending down looking for his bolt"Belle have you seen a bolt like this anywhere?' My father says as he holds up a small bolt needed for his invention. "Oh no father I haven't seen it, do you need me to pick one up on my way to the library?"

Belles asks her father. "Oh that would be so sweet of you to do for me thank you." Maurice kisses Belle on the cheek as she grabs her library books off of the table and makes her way out of the door to head to the library.

As I'm making my way to the library I feel two strong arms pull me in close. "Did you miss me my dear?" Someone whispers in my ear, I can feel the faint bulge in his pants as he grabs my breast and kneads them with  his strong hands.

I pull away quickly and put some distance between us. "Well hello to you to, Gaston." I say while giving him a deadly gaze. He throws his hands up in the air as he shrugs his shoulders.

"What, you didnt even miss me a little bit?" I start to walk away from him "in your dreams." I say smuggly as I keep making my way to the library. He starts to fallow me as I walk " Gaston! Gaston! Gaston!" I hear three annoying voices yell behind me in the distance.

Gaston stops fallowing her and turns around to face the three Bimbettes as they call his name Bimbette number one latches on to his arm and the other two crowd  around him. "Gaston where did you go last night? We missed you."

He smirks at them as he grabs the  bimbette closer to his face. "Now that doesnt matter, all that matters is that I missed you to." He smiles at her.  I keep walking and the further I walk the fainter his voice gets.

As I make my way into the library I quickly make my way back to my favorite section of books and pick out the one I have had my eye on for a while.

I quickly walked to the hardware store to get the bolt my dad had needed and started to make my way home. Suddenly Gaston appears by my side.

I choose not to engage in any conversation with him as he continues to speak to me. "Belle, could I  have a word with you?"

He smiles that crooked smile as he pulls me down to sit on the water fountain. I look at him as he pulls me to the fountain but I don't say anything nor do I fight him as he grabs my hand...

"Look I  know we left off on bad terms when we were a thing...but I wanted to make it up to you." He says as he looks deeply in my eyes. " Gaston, if it is what I think it is you want to talk about, I don't want to hear it from you." I said to him. 

Gaston gets on one knee in front of Belle and reaches in his pocket and pulls out a small wooden box. As he opens the box and goes to look up "Belle will you-" he looks up to see that Belles is already making her way to her house.

"Belle wait!" Belle quickly runs into the house and locks the door in Gaston's face. "Father!" Belle yells as she pulls out the bolt to give to her father. She runs upstairs to her fathers room to find out that he is not there.

Maurice's POV

I had a three day trip to make for an engineering convention. As im making my way down the dirt road I could see that the sun would be setting soon. "Oh goodness! I need to hurry and find a warm place to stay for the night."

I made my way a little further down the road as  I slowly aproach a giant mansion. I stop at the mansion its dark and cold I tie my horse up to  the tall metal gate and make my way inside.

Around the gate there are beautiful red roses growing. They remind me of home and they remind me of my amazing daughter Belle who I miss dearly.

"Oh that reminds me the one thing I can bring my daughter back is a rose!" I cut a rose off of the gate and place it gently in my pocket so that when I get inside I can place it in a small cup of water until I can get home.

"WHO GOES THERE!!" I hear a voice yell from behind the gate. " o-o-oh" I stutter " Im sorry for cutting this rose off of your gate i'll just be on my way now."I untie my horse and make my way to the dirt road.

Suddenly something grabs me by my shirt and drags me up the stairs through the doors of the mansion. "O-oh wait please no! Im so dearly sorry i'll just put it back and be on my way!" I plead as he throws me downstairs into a small room with a cell door and one tiny window.

He stomps down the stairs and locks me in the cell. "Now, now what to do with you?"

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