Beauty and the Beastiality

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I wake up the morning after , and I feel something tickling my nose. I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm still fully nude in Beast's muscular arms. I slowly remove his arm from around my torso.I don't care to put any clothes on.

Instead I slip out of bed and make my way to the hallway. I tiptoe down the spiral steps and enter the ginormous library. I walk over to the nearest book shelf and pick up the closest book I see.

I sit down on the luxurious red velvet couch, the cushions are very soft on my bare body. I bury my nose so far into the book that I don't even notice Beast walking into the Library. "I knew you'd be in here."

His voice is as calm as ever. I look up to see him standing right in front of me. His tall and lean body is just inches away from me. " Good morning." I say before looking up and smiling at him.

Beast takes his place next to me on the couch. I feel his hands creep up my waist. He slowly begins to pull me towards himself where we were sitting.

I don't say anything instead I continue to read the book I had pulled off of the shelf a moment ago. I am on my back when he opens my legs.

I peek over the top of the book to see him staring directly at me. I give him a questioning look before he makes direct eye contact with my sopping wet cunt. 

He gives me a soft smirk before his tongue dives in my aching cunt.

I immediately let out a loud moan. I close the book and throw my head back in pleasure. I groan when he stops. "Wait.. why'd you stop?" I whimper. He looks up at me with a malicious grin. "Aww did you want me to keep going baby?" I nod desperately. "Well if you stop reading that little book of yours. I will stop eating this delicious pussy." He says.

I quickly reopen the book and begin to read.​​​​ The words of the book are beginning to blur together as I feel him swirl his tongue around my clit. I squeeze my thighs around his head and my grip on the book tightens.

My eyes roll back into my skull. "Oh yes Beast! That's it make me cum!" She cries out. He suddenly stopped the movements of his tongue making her release a low groan. She picks back up where she left off on the story, trying her hardest to focus on the words she is reading.

Once she turns the page Beast shoves his tongue in and out of her hole.

This sends her over that edge and she finally reaches her climbmax. "AAHH~ SHIT~" Her body shivers and shakes at she squirts all over his fur and the couch.

Belle pants heavily as Beast licks up all of her juices. He scoops me up into his arms a quickly carries me up stairs to the Master bathroom. He places me down on the sick as he runs some bath water for the both of us.

When the tub finally fills up he adds a hand full of roses to the water. He gently lowers me down in the water and gets behind me. 

I lay back onto his chest asIi let the warm water take over my senses. I let out a relaxed sigh. This is nice I don't think I've ever been..


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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