Beauty and the Beastiality

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Chapter 2

Belles POV

                                                                    The next day...

The night before Belle had gone to bed hoping that her father would be back by sunrise.As she drifted away into her sleep she kept thinking about her father and how this wasn't like him to just leave.

The next morning I woke up to silence. Nobody was in the house except for her. She jumped out of bed, got dressed and ran out of the door to go and find her father.

Belle hadn't thought about anything bad happening to her father because he was such  a smart man. It didn't make sense to her that he would just disappear like this.

She started by walking to the library and then the hardware store after those two places she didn't stop but instead she just kept looking. Eventually she made her way to a dirt path.

As Belle makes her way down the dirt road, Phillipe comes galloping his way towards her. "Woah woah" I say as I put my hands up to stop his movements. "Hey hey it's okay settle down, where is father? Did you guys get separated?"

I asked my fathers house a little more worried now. "Take me to him philippe!" I say as I hop on the horse's back and we make our way to where my father is.

As we make our way down the dirt road I can see a  giant stone castle in the distance, my mouth drops in amazement. "That couldn't be where he is right?" I thought in my head. We soon approached the castle. I quickly hop off Philippe's back and slowly make my way to the large gate in front of the castle.

I push open the big gate and observe the stained glass windows. I slowly walk up the front steps and knock on the big iron doors. The doors slowly open and I walk in. I slowly spin around looking at all of the beautiful artwork and the big chandeliers.

This mansion is the most lavish house I've ever seen in my life. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I  hear my fathers voice echo off of the walls of the huge mansion. "Father?"

I  call out  as I start to follow the sound of his voice. It leads me down the stairs and into a cell where my father is bound by his hands and feet. "Oh goodness! Father, we have to get out of here quick!" I say I try to pull the cell door open to no avail

"Well what do we have here?" I hear a deep honey-like voice come from behind me. I slowly turn around to only be met with the shadows. I place my hand above my eyebrows and squint my eyes to try and make out what or who I was encountered with.

I puff my chest out and stand tall. "Listen I don't know who you are but you need to let my father go at this instant." I say towards the shadow. "Oh? Is that so?" It say's with its smooth deep voice, I squeeze my thighs together at the tone of his voice. "Y-yes, my father is an honorable man! And he would never do anything to belong in a filthy place like this."

I say as I step closer to the voice. "Well maybe next time your father should think twice before he trespasses on MY PROPERTY!" The loud voice screams from behind the shadows.

"Oh Belle dear- please don't provoke the beast he will just tie you up in here just as I am!" my father exclaims as he is still sitting inside the cell. "Beast..? what do you mean beast?" Then out of the shadows appears a big wooly creature.

My eyes widen in fear as it slowly creeps out of the shadows. As he steps out I can see his true form a beast! "Um..." I say I have no words as I have just seen a beast come out from the shadows of the dark basement. I look at the beast with a scared look in my eye as he towers over me. 

    I can see that his muscly chest is peaking through the ripped shirt he is wearing and his once nice dress pants that are now ripped to shreds .  He has to be at least 6'5 or even taller than that. I backed up against the cell as he stood over me looking as if he was angry but I could see a subtle sparkle in his eye telling me he had a sweet soul behind all of the horror. "Please let my father go... I-i'll do anything you need! Just spear him and take me."

I plead while standing in front of the cell that holds my father. " Anything you say?" he smirks as he reaches up and grabs my neck.

He moves me out of the way as he reaches inside of  his pocket to grab the key. He inserts the key into the lock and turns the key releasing my father from the cell. He grabs my father by the collar and quickly rushes him up the stairs as my father is screaming for me the whole way.

"No! No, please don't hurt her! She's my only love and my only daughter!"

He throws my father out of the front doors and into the courtyard where phillipe waits for him. "Now you run on home old man... your beloved Belle is mine now." he says as he walks back into the house and slams the door.

    I fall to my knees in the basement as I start to cry." Dont hurt me I haven't done anything wrong I simply didn't want my father to get hurt." I say while sobbing. The beast walks over to me, he slowly reaches out and lifts up my chin, he wipes away one of my tears and picks me up off of the ground.

As I wrap my legs around his waist and wrap my hands around his neck he starts to carry me up the red velvet stairs towards his bedroom. He kicks the door open with his foot and carries me over to the bed.

He throws me onto the bed as he starts to get undressed. As I lay still on the bed he gets on top of me with his hands on each side of my head.I look up at him as I reach down and pull my lacey blue underwear down over my hips and down my thighs.

He kisses my lips and slowly pulls the skirt on my dress up to my chest, revealing my bare chest as well as the rest of my body.

He examines my body up and down as he licks his lips. He leans down and kisses me all the way down from my chest to my thighs.

Once he reaches my belly button he licks just below it in little circles. I try to push his head down to where I want it most but he doesn't budge. "Please" I plead as I breathe heavily. "Please what?" he asks "use your words Belle." He looks up at me with those lustful eyes once again.

I squeeze my eyes shut in frustration. The uncomfortable sensations between my legs are starting to be too much for me to handle. He licks a stride up my puffy wet lips. "W-wait!" I say as he starts going to town on my wet clit. He doesn't stop even through my cry of pleasure.

He wraps his mouth around my clit and starts to suck harshly. "O-oh my god!" I moan.  I reach down and grab his head as he's in the middle of pleasuring me and I stop him. "Wait please" I say as I try to catch my breath. I pull my dress down and sit up on the bed. I quickly jump out of bed and run out of the door into the next room trying not to let him see me cry.

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