Mind Over Matter. ( Pt. 2 )

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[ 3rd Person P.O.V ]

The three teens went towards The Mother Ship with a big frown, Y/n kicked the door open and went inside followed by Krel and Aja. The three of them looked at Varvatos showing their disappointment and annoyed faces.

" Were you able to follow the four Human rules of being inconspicuous? " Varvatos asked from the comfort of his seat turning his head to glance at the three teens. " Hey there, buddy boy- " the blank greeted only to be greeted by back Krel's heavy bag.

Y/n and Aja placed their bags down on the floor, still frowning. " Varvatos will take that as a ' No. ' " he turned his head away looking at what's ahead of him.

" The school overlord gave us something called detention. " Krel said, walking over to Varvatos leaning on the tiny counter for pots with plants. " We're so bad at being human, we're actually being punished for it. " Aja added taking the door knob and shuts the door.

" I do not like this ' detention ' it sounds rather, unbefitting for us. " Y/n complained with crossed arms, looking at where Varvatos is looking. " Is that the Eli? " She asked pointing at the Hologram the the Mom Blank scared him off.

" Intruder alert. "

" It is the Eli. " Aja confirmed looking at Krel and Y/n. Varvatos stood up from his seat. " You allowed him to follow you home? " Varvatos scowled pointing down at ' home '

" He knows where we live. " Aja defended. " he's the one who gave us the News Paper that we didn't receive because of you, " Y/n pressed a finger on Varvatos's chest. " Remember? "

" This nuisance must be dealt with, before he exposes you to the entire planet! " Varvatos yelled getting way ahead of himself. " Annihilate him! Destroy him! " He chuckled at his ideas. " Crush his bones to powder! Drink his blood from the keg of glory! "

The three teens looked at him unimpressed. " Wow great idea, Vex. " Y/n muttered, leaning to the small counter of pots with her arms crossed. Varvatos removed Luug from him that's biting his hand.

" Right, because there's nothing inconspicuous about that. " Aja said behind him, " he seems quite interested in us. " Krel added.

" Varvatos has warned you, such curiousity could lead to- "

" To agony and pain. " The three teens said in unison making overdramatic actions emphasizing the word ' pain. ' Y/n sighed waving her hands. " Yes, yes, we know. " She deadpanned.

" But what can we do about it? " Aja rested her hands on her hips, looking at Varvatos. " Learn what intelligence he's gathered. " Varvatos said as he pointed at the Eli's Hologram. " And how should we go about that, exactly? " Krel asked with crossed arms.

" Torture. The Eli has ten fingers. " He walked towards the three with the tips of his fingers together. " Bring Varvatos back two of them. " He raised two fingers out of three.

" Preferably thumbs. " He cackled raising his thumbs. " Since you're such a fan of torture, why don't you do it? " Aja pushed one of Varvatos's hands down.

" He can't. " Krel pushed the other hand down. " The great commander Varvatos Vex refuses to leave the spaceship. " Krel said sarcastically.

" All because he doesn't want to be in his Saggy Human form. " Y/n added, pointing at Varvatos. " It is beneath Varvatos' station to be gross. " He sat down on his favourite chair resting his legs on the tiny table Infront.

" Besides. There is much to be learned about the indigenous culture through his talking box. " Varvatos picked up a remote and clicked it activating the talking box. Luug went towards him, staring at his feet.

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