D'aja Vu.

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Episode 6, D'aja Vu.

A giant troll wreaks havoc at the school's science fair, threatening to expose both troll world and the Royal's True identities.


Quick Note:

(A/d)= Any drink.
( A/hs ) = Any Hair style.

[ 3rd Person P.O.V ]

• Three Weeks Ago.

A Human casualty rode his bicycle as he threw the Arcadian Ledger at each door he passes by. He then looked up at the sky seeing something unusual that it made him gasp. He continued watching the thing only to hit a hydrant making fall head first.


( Inside The Mother Ship. 3 Weeks Ago. )

The screaming of the three teens were heard inside the room as they held on for their dear lives. Their screams were so loud that they did not hear the warning of the engine room.

A part of the Daxial Array blew up and sents itself out of the Mother Ship landing somewhere in the Forest of Arcadia. It stayed there for Delsons, day and night for 3 whole weeks.

Until one particular night, The troll hunters were out to hunt. The running of a Mad troll starled all birds that were in the Forest. The troll laughed as it Ran away from the troll hunters. The troll pulled up a tree placing some troll magic to it before throwing it at the Troll Hunters.

" Just once, I'd like a troll to visit Arcadia for another reason than destroying the world! " James Lake Jr. Yelled as he rode his Vespa with his girlfriend, Claire Nuñez.

" Take it up with a tourism board! Jimbo! " Tobias Domzalski yelled at his friend as he rode a Big troll that resembles a mountain, the Troll's name is Aaarrrgghh!!!

Three A's, Three R's, Two G's and Two H's, and three exclamation marks.

" According to the Venerable Bedehilde, Porgon is a trickster troll, causing Chaos and Trouble. " Blinkous galadrigal Read from the book he is reading as he runs after the group, not looking at where he was going.

" Well with a name like Porgon, Can you Blame him? " Toby yelled as he looked ahead, holding his War Hammer.

The Porgon lets out a Laugh as he kept on throwing things at the Troll Hunters. Claire used her shadow staff or what it was originally called skathe hrun to dodge the attack. " Nice one! " Jim praised.

" Dabbling in Magic, Trickster Trolls herald discord and disorder, to both Human and troll kind alike. " He continued reading.

" Incoming! " Toby yelled, making Blinky look up to see what was coming. He gasped and tripped on a rock as he dodges the incoming hazard.

The book he was holding flew to Toby's head making him lose balance, Aaarrrgghh catches his wingman by rolling, Jim and Claire looked at the chaos that was happening behind them as the Vespa hits something making Jim lose control of it and Panic.

The both of them screamed, wiggling at the Vespa before actually falling off of it. The troll laughed at them as they fell on a bush.

The troll ran and ran only to trip into something, Shiny. He groaned as he looked at what he tripped on, he crawled towards it, taking it out of the ground. " Shiny. " He smiled.

The Troll Hunter quickly catched up followed by blinky, appearing from the tree's, he held his sword made of Daylight up as he looked at the trickster troll.

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