Moving Day. ( Pt. 3 )

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[ 3rd Person P.O.V ]

Quietly making their way through the sewers after getting all of their equipment, Toby wore his armour while Steve and Eli wore their Creepslayerz uniform consisting of a black shirt, pant and of course their weapon, A Bat and a few ninja stars.

Eli quietly led the group as he looked at the map of his phone. The three Royal teens held their Serrator's tightly, looking at each other before looking on ahead. The Oaf looked around the area, holding his bag tightly not noticing a pipe above him.

His helmet and bat collided with the big pipe, letting out a loud sound as he flinched, holding his head with his eyebrows furrowed. " Ow! " He growled in annoyance, glaring at the pipe as he rubbed his helmet.

Eli took another good look at his phone before stopping at his tracks, turning to the group. " The trap is just around this corner. " He informed the group, pointing a hand at the turn of the sewers.

Aja looked at Krel and Y/n. " We'll take it from here. " She said in a hushed tone with a serious expression on her face. Y/n nodding, Activating her Serrator followed by the siblings. Toby then cleared his throat, activating his way hammer. Eli looked at his war Hammer in amazement while Toby lets out a little ' Ha. '

Aja held three fingers up, counting down as a grunting was heard from the sewers. Quietly running to their last turn, led by Aja they quickly followed suit, they all let out a shout, ready to fight Magma-Tron only to stop at their tracks seeing that what was caught isn't the hunter.

It was Zadra.

Y/n stared in disbelief as he held her Serrator to her side. " Zadra? " She called out as Zadra tried to pick something up from the ground despite being captured in a net. Zadra looked at her with wide eyes, stopping at her actions, her weapon was dropped to the ground making her unable to cut loose.

And despite trying to reach for her weapon, she was reaching out for the Nougat Nummies on the ground. " What are you doing here? " Krel asked, deactivating his Serrator as they all walked closer towards Zadra.

" You know her? " Toby asked the three as he followed after them. Eli and Steve were right behind them, hiding deep into the tunnels of the sewers, peeking their heads out to see if it was dangerous.

" None of my battlefield training prepared me for the temptations of these delicious confections. " Zadra said as she reached her hand taking one, holding it with her two hands before taking large amounts of bites.

Eli smiled and walked closer with Steve but kept his distance. " Yeah! The Nougat Nummies, they worked! " He exclaimed, raising his hands to the air. Zadra threw the now empty wrap of the Nougat Nummy, reaching her hand to the ground for another.

" I ordered you not to leave the ship for your own protection. " She scolded the three as she fixed her position on the net to have a better angle of getting the Nummies.

" Wait, is there some sort of cheat sheet we could get? Like, how do we tell who's a good alien or a bad alien? " Toby asked, using his hand to emphasise how important his question is.

Y/n opened her lips with words not coming out. " Um.. " she glanced at Aja and Krel before turning her head at the other tunnel in front hearing a distance clank from it. A familiar hammer headed their way making them all duck down.

Toby lets out a scream as the hammer passes them, he then looked right behind seeing that it was coming back. " Coming back! " He yelled as he ducked down again. Y/n placed a hand on Krel's head, pushing him aside to dodge the hammer.

The hammer came back to its owner, Magma-Tron himself. " Give up your cores, Tarrons, L/n, before I rip them from your bodies. " He threatened as he took his time to step closer to the group.

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