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Perfect people don't exist, don't pretend to be one
Achievements don't need validation from anyone
Live for a reason, make your life worth the run
Believe in yourself, even after you're gone.

Surround yourself with those who challenge your thoughts
Not the ones who give reasons why you can't
Don't let them cut you up and watch you rot
Be yourself, not the one you think they want.

Opinions are just noise if they don't listen to yours
Money won't bring happiness, it's just a bore
Do what you love, not what society implores
Find your true calling, and let it roar.

Your office doesn't define who you are
It's the person you are when you're alone
Life's too short to worry about your bank account or car
Leave a legacy, make your story known.

Actions speak louder than words, that's a fact
Don't just listen to advice, make it a pact
But be cautious of those whose words distract
Be yourself, everyone else is already stacked.


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