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(This is a story , it's actually longer than what I usually write but I know you'll feel something reading it)

She is laughing
Smiling with her friends
Enjoying life hoping it will never end.

She looks back
And notices someone look at her
She didn't bother and continued with her laughter.

After sometime
She took a break and went to ease herself
On her way she felt uneasy
And asked herself "is there someone following me?"

She tried to run
And finally lost him
With fear, she left the building
And decided to head home

But it turns out she left the keys to the car back at the building
She got desperate and decided to go back in.

She got obstructed by someone
She notices his clothes and began to run
She ran as fast as she could
But she could not outrun him.

Then he threw a pole that hit her on her head
She fell down with blood everywhere
He told her not to scream if not
Her life will surely disappear

She kept quiet and left him to do as he dared
He striped her with violence
Tore her clothes without remorse and as if he had no conscience.

With tears rolling down her cheeks
She felt after this what is the use of being alive .

He striped her off everything
Her faith , her love , her happiness
Joy , ambitions , compassion
Even her future.

But he left her with scars
Trauma , nightmares , stigma
Fear , hatred , regret,
and the worse memory she'll never forget.

She stood up
But fell back down
Gravity was too heavy and she was about to shut down
So she crawled and crawled
After sometime she stopped.

She looked back and saw the trail of blood leaking from her body
She could not think without reflecting
About what happened.

She began to scream with tears escaping her eyes and heavy rain of sweat on her body.

She supported herself to stand up
She walked a long distance then gave up
She saw a light ahead and stood up
She ran as if she had never ran before

She went closer and closer to the light
The light drawing closer to her
Then a noise made her stop
After that , blood made a pool where she stood.

+ Her death still one of many things that scared me . Why is this world so cruel.+


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