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"Journey to home"

( Here is another short story)

A boy's hope burns fierce, unyielding flame,
His life, a tale of misery, his future, a game.
With parents unknown, his mother's early breath ceased,
From the day he was born, a life filled with grief.

Among others like him, he was thrust,
A life of sadness, his true essence masked and crushed.
For twelve long years, he yearned for a change,
To be found, to break free from fate's relentless range.

Sold to a home, his heart filled with delight,
Hope ignited, soaring to new heights.
In the embrace of life's goodness, he found solace,
No more suffering or struggle, just a tranquil space.

Yet, as time unfolded, lies came to light,
Deception unraveled, piercing his sight.
His life, shackled and bound, a fragile thread,
His crumbling hope filled him with dread.

His smile grew scarce, burdened by stress,
A life in ruins, a sad, tangled mess.
The rods that beat him, wounds that bled,
Tears escaping, leaving him broken and dread.

Unable to cope, he sought a new place,
Yearning for a home, a fresh embrace.
Leaving behind the illusory peace he once knew,
In search of solace, a refuge, anew.


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