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In the realm of youth, burdened souls reside,
Where teenage hearts, with stress, do confide,
A weight upon shoulders, heavy and deep,
Navigating a world where troubles seep.

Dreams collide with expectations vast,
The struggle to fit in, to outrun the past,
But amidst the chaos, strength takes its stand,
For within their hearts, resilience is fanned.

Anxieties whisper, weaving a painful plight,
Yet through the darkness, they search for light,
In the depths of their struggles, they find a way,
To rise above, to thrive, to seize the day.

For within each teenager, a resilience so grand,
They learn, they grow, they make their stand,
Through pain and hardship, beauty unfolds,
In the tapestry of their souls, a story untold.


THE COLLECTIONS OF SOULPOET Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt