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"Fragments of Sorrow"

In the chamber of thoughts, where shadows reside,
A story unfolds, of a soul deep inside.
A symphony of anguish, a heart steeped in pain,
A voyage through hardships, where hope seems in vain.

Whispers of sorrow, like echoes in the night,
Embrace this weary spirit, enveloped in plight.
Torn fragments of dreams, strewn across the floor,
A burdened heart yearning for solace once more.

Through the tempest's fury, tears cascade like rain,
A soul lost in darkness, consumed by the strain.
In this tragic tale, emotions overwhelm,
Aching and relentless, this despair's realm.

Yet in this deep abyss, a flicker remains,
A glimpse of resilience, as the soul sustains.
Though shrouded in sadness, a seed of strength takes flight,
Guiding the weary heart to seek the dawn's light.

+The beginning of my sixth collection+

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