The Scent

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I jump out of bed as I heard a blood curdling screaming coming from the mouth of my nephew. I look around the room and find no signs of danger, but then I hear the scream again.

I'm fast to run downstairs, and into his room. He isn't there. The room looks untouched.

My mind races as my feet move me quickly too the living room. I find him laying on the floor, screaming with tears running down his cheeks.

Jasmine is in the kitchen, cooking breakfast and looking as stressed as ever.

"What the heck is going on?" I ask her, my heart beat still racing.

She looks up from the pan on the stove. "He's been carrying on like this ever since Rucker left this morning."

I give her a confused look. She sighs. "Rucker got a call late last night, from an ambassador to the King. They informed us that the Prince is on the search for his mate, and he would be pasting through in the next few days. Rucker went to start preparing."

I nod, understanding what she said. It made a lot more sense now. I look back at my nephew, who has calmed down a little now. He still has tears in his eyes.

He sits up and reaches his arms up for me. I smile and pick him up.

"Ugh. Geeze. Why didn't I think of that? Rucker and you are practically the same person." I laugh. I hear this a lot. Though Rucker and I don't look alike, we act very similar.

Jasmine's eyes glaze over for a moment. Mindlink. She comes out of her trance and looks at me. "Rucker just told me that the Prince should be here by tomorrow night,"

I nod my head, not really putting much thought into her statement. I've only seen the Prince once, when I was very young. He's not that much older than me. What I remember most about him is his warm, inviting brown eyes.

"Well I better get ready for my rounds today. I think I'm meeting Jackson today for a swim by the waterfall."

I set down Rucker Jr. His name is fitting, seeing he's just like his father.

I had a feeling the day was going to be hot and muggy so I decided on just light clothes for the day. I pack my backpack with water and my swim gear. I head over to the pack house to meet with Jackson.

I find him laying on his bed, in swim trunks. "What's going on Jack?"

He shrugs, eyes glued on his phone. I sigh, and look around his room. I've been here a million times. Sleepovers, fighting, crying. The usual. I lift my foot and playfully nudge his stomach. "Come on Jack. I want to swim before it gets too warm, and everyone shows up."

He groans and gets up. We head out to the back yard, and take one of the golf carts to the waterfall. Our pack is set up like a campground. Everything is within walking distance, but of course instead of campers and tents, it's houses. I love my pack. It's so beautiful and welcoming.

After swimming for an hour or so, Jackson and I decide to head back and do chores for the day. Everyone has to pitch in one way or another. That's how our pack runs. Everyone helps.

I was in the middle of running the board for patrol when we spot a group of cars coming in the south entrance. It alarms me, we weren't expecting anyone until tomorrow.

Sure enough the cars had the Royal pack markings on the side...but why we're they here so early?

-Rucker. It seems our guest have arrived early-

-Damn it! I just knew this was going to happen-

The cars stop in front of the gate. A guard jumps out of the first car and he is swift to approach us. He looks to be a 'Higher Up'. Higher status than most. Personal guard maybe but certainly not the lead command.

"State your name and business with my pack." Pack Warrior, Ryan, says with a hard stare.

The guard eyes us up, and then chuckles. "We are here on the count of the Prince. He is looking for his mate. We demand you open these gates and let our business here commence."

Ryan's eyes glaze over as he gets a mindlink. Probably from Rucker. He nods his head as if he's actually in front of Rucker.

Ryan lifts his hand, and motions for one of our guards to open the gate. The Royal guard smirks, and gets back in his car. They drive into our land. 6 cars, I count. I watch the cars drive further away from where I was, wondering which one the amazing smell is coming from.

After we finish up patrol and we switch with the next shift, I head back to my house to shower and change. Apparently Rucker is having a huge dinner for the Prince tonight, but it's already started. No point in showing up late, and making a fool of myself.

I just put on some of my comfy clothes, and feast on the leftovers we had in the fridge. About 20 minutes after dinner, I decide to go walk in the brisk night air.

The wind nips at my cheeks as I walk through the pack. The parts that are usually alive with laugher and light, are a dull because everyone is at the dinner. I made my way down to the river, the outdoor lights, illumining the path for me.

I stick my feet into the cold water, and sit down; watching the moon. It's only a few minutes until I hear some rustling from the trees. I jump up, and spin around.

"Who's there?" I ask out loud.

More rustling.

"WHO'S THERE?" I ask a bit louder this time.

Suddenly the sweet scent that I smelled earlier, hits me straight in the face. It smells wonderful. I've never smelt anything like it. The only way to describe it is, it smells like hazelnut, and...starbucks? #averagewhitegirl

A man steps out from behind the trees.

"Who are you?" I ask immediately.

He glances up at me. First thing I notice is his warm, welcoming brown eyes.

"I'm Axel. Prince Axel."

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