A Big Royal Welcome

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"So the rumors are true," My father comments taking a few steps into my room.

"What rumors...what the hell are you doing here?" I demand.

"I think the better question is what are you doing here?" My father asks. I pull the covers up, trying to hide myself. "I am here to take you away. You need to leave."

"Why?" I question, my eyebrows scrunching together. Did Axel order this? Does he not want me anymore?

He swears under his breath. "Do you not realize where you are? This is the crowned Prince's bedroom!" He points out.

"Yes? And your point is?"

"If the Prince gets caught with common wolf like yourself, especially with a girl that is not his mate, he could be stripped from his title." The thought of someone taking away Axel's title under false pretenses scares me. Something must be done.

"I'm not just a normal common wolf, must I remind you? I am an Alpha for Pete's sake." I start to reason with him. I must stall him until someone can hear us shouting.

"I am very aware of your-our position. I'm doing this for the greater good. If you caught, you could be punished."

I hear more footsteps. Fast. Heavy. Axel.

"What the hell is going on? Why are you in my chambers?" Axel asks my father. The way chambers slips from his mouth without a second thought makes me almost laugh but now is not the time for laughter.

"I've come to get my daughter, Sire." Father explains to my mate.

"And why is that? Explain your orders."

"Sire, if someone sees you with a girl, who is not your mate, you could be stripped of your title! My daughter isn't worth all the trouble."


A growl rips out of Axel's throat. "Do NOT disrespect a women like that, especially your own daughter. Your concern with my title, doesn't matter. I will be keeping my title no matter what. I don't know if I can say the same about you,"

"Sire, you aren't thinking correctly! She is not your mate, there is no good outcome of this situation."

"Listen here, you fucking idiot. Anyone with eyes can tell she's my mate. I don't fucking care if you are here father or not. You don't even deserve to be called that. Now, get out of my sight! I do not wish to ever see you again," Axel is practically shaking with anger.

"Please, just let me talk to my daughter! We can sort this out." My father pleads.

"Only if the Princess wishes," Axel says, and realization hits me. I'm the Princess, I am going to be Queen. Axel's Queen. I like the sound of that.

I feel both pairs of eyes on me, waiting for my response.

"Um," I start but can't find the right words to finish.

"The Princess isn't feeling well. Please leave so I can take care of her." Aww, he's so cute.

My dad starts storming toward Axel. "You will not touch my daughter! I will kill you," What a change of heart in the past few minutes. I was practically worthless to him a few minutes ago.

Axel just holds out his hand. "Threatening the Prince? Do you know what will happen to you now?" Axel growls and my father stops.

Father looks over at me. "Please see yourself out, Father." I basically spit out his name, as if it were venom.

"But-" He begins, but I cut him off.

"Father! Please, you are only embarrassing yourself more. Leave," I tell him and he goes silent. He turns around and walks towards the door. Finally.

Axel's Little RoseWhere stories live. Discover now