A Place To Call Our Own

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"Babe, where do you want this?"

"Um, over there!"I say pointing to a empty spot in our new house. After we got back, I got right to work. I found the house, and contacted the seller. Turns out it was another werewolf couple, and they gave us a good deal. We started packing a day after we bought it. Now a few weeks later, we are finally moving in.

After moving our stuff in, we finally sent our helpers home, and settled into our new home. I'm in the master bedroom, unpacking a suit case, when Axel comes in. He picks me up from behind and throws me over his shoulder.

"Axel! What are you doing?" I yell, and giggle. He chuckles. He sets me down. "Can you believe we have a house of our own?" he asks.

"No! It's so surreal to me." I say, holding onto his arms, staring into his eyes.

He glances at the bed. "So, we should probably put the bed to good use." He says with a smirk.

"Yeah, I could use a good nights rest." I joke, and he growls. He kisses me, hard. He lays me down on the bed. We are in a heated make out section when my phone rings. Axel growls, and grabs it. Throwing it against the wall, the phone shatters of course into a million little piece. Great, another thing to take care of.  

"AXEL!! What the hell were you thinking? That's my phone dude." I yell at him as anger starts to cloud my judgment. 

He looks at me, worrying filling his eyes. "Let me start my 3 part apology by saying that I'm sorry and I'll buy you a new one." He says and come close to kiss my neck. I push him away. 

I try not to crack a smile at his response. "And a new case, and you have a deal."

"Of course." He says, and I let him continue.

I wake up before Axel does, so I decide to order breakfast, since we don't have any food in our house yet. I call one of our pack members and they send someone with food just a few minutes later.

"Is there anything else that I can get for you?"

"No. That's all. Thank you." I say then they leave.

I carry the food back into the house, and set it up on a tray. I pour some orange juice, and take the food up stairs.

When I get up to our bedroom, Axel is still sleeping. I set the tray down, and walk over to wake up Axel.

"Ugh," He groans as I try to wake him up.  "Good morning." He grumbles.

He opens his eyes some more, they lock with mine. I smile, he smiles back. He looks over at the food.

"What's this?" he asks. I pull the tray over. "I got some food for us." I respond. 

He smiles. "Thanks babe." He says with a kiss.

We start to eat and I'm already eyeing up the huge mess of boxes we have going in our bedroom. Not to mention this is just one of the many rooms we have to unpack and make look pretty. It was going to be long few days.

In reality, with the help of our friends and family move and unpacking of our new house goes way more smoothly than I thought. With Axel being King and always having something important to do, I was left alone to lead the troops. My parents came to visit soon after the house was finished and my mom helped me decorate the last two rooms that needed attention. In the end, it's perfect and everything that we could possibly want. 

The days go by fast. With winter only a week or two away, there's so much to do and only a few hours of daylight to do it. Axel goes to work before I'm up and doesn't return until I am in bed. If I'm lucky enough, he can join me for the last few minutes of my show before I go to sleep. As much as it makes me sad and I miss him, he has duties and I can't come between that. 

One afternoon Axel finds me in the living room hanging up new curtains I had gotten that day. What can I say? I have a Homegoods addiction and I'm proud. I just finish hanging them up when Axel come home.

"Hey, in the living room." I yell. A few seconds later, Axel appears.

I get down from the chair that I was on. I walk over and kiss him. He wraps his arms around me.

"New curtains already? Didn't you buy those ones like 3 weeks ago?"

"Um I think you mean we bought them." I can't help but giggle at myself. "Besides, the season's changing so the living room is too." I wink at him. "How was your day?" I ask.

He pulls us over to the couch. "Good, just long." I lay out on the couch with my feet on him. He grabs my foot, and starts rubbing it.

I moan. "That feels so good!"

He smiles. "How is the baby?" He asks.

"She's good I think." I say.

"Don't you mean he?"

"NO! It's going to be a girl. I just know it."

"Only time will tell." He says. He's referring to Jasmine and Rucker. Only a week or so before we can find out the gender. 

I lean over to kiss him. He puts a hand on my stomach, "I can't wait until we have one of our own."

I smile, again. "Me too."

"You know we could always just start now, or at least start practicing." He says with a smirk.

I giggle. "Keep thinking that. I have to go make supper." I say trying to get up.

"No, stay here. Let me have this moment."

I relax. "Okay,"

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