A Wedding Too Remember

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"We are gathered here today, to join these to very amazing werewolves together in marriage." The priest says.

I smile at him. Then I turn and look over at Axel. Our eyes locking. I watch him as he mouths "I love you" at me.

I start blushing and mouth the same words back.

"And now the rings."

Alice turns around and holds out her hand for the ring. I hand it to her, she smiles. She turns back to my uncle Mark and makes him her husband.

I stand off to the side and watch everyone party the night away.

"Have you ever had sex at a wedding?" I hear someone whisper in my ear. I shiver as he runs his hand up and down my arm.

"No, but I'm willing to fix that." I say in a low, sexy voice.

Axel growls. I chuckle.

I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck.

"How is my alpha?"

He growls with pleasurer.

 "I love you."

"I love you too."

We hear cheering and we look over. Mark and Alice seem to be getting ready too leave.

"They are perfect for one another."

"Not as cute as us!" Axel whispers in my ear. I chuckle. "What do you say? How about we go home and make some kids that look exactly like you?"

I smile and kiss him.

"Of course."

Alice and Mark are whisked away from the party, but the party doesn't stop. Axel and I, though probably the most high profiled guests there, somehow manage to slip away. 

The drive home isn't long, which I am grateful for. With the wedding planning taking place over the last few months, we had to set aside our coronation once again. It seems like at this point it's never going to happen.

"Don't worry my love," Axel muses next to me. He is first out of the chair and eases his way over to my door. I thank him as he helps me out of the car. Once we are inside, we continue our conversation. 

"I know you tell me not to worry but I do Axel. People are starting to talking and I don't want to give them the wrong idea. " I explain to him. 

"My love, people are always going to talk about us. It' s part of our life now." 

I frown, but Axel is quick to kiss it away. "Come on, lets get you to bed." He tells me and ushers me upstairs. Sleep sounds so good right now but that's going to be the last thing I get. 

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