Last Day

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"Honey, you can't stay in your room the whole trip." My mother says through the door.

"Yes, I can."

She sighs in defeat and walks away.

I turn back to Axel, and walk closer to him again, a smile growing on my face. He takes the last two steps need to close the distance between us.

"How much time do we have?"

"Um, about an hour, maybe two." He says. He snuck away to see me.

I smile at him. "Then what do you want to do?" I ask, tugging on the bottom of his t-shirt.  A smirk goes on his face. 

"I have some ideas." He says and carries me away to bed.

After the long activities we take part in, we finally stop even thought both of us don't want to. I haven't touched Axel in 3 days. That's the longest it ever been, and I hate it. I love him. I want to be with, not to mention my wolf does too.

I look over at Axel and study his face, and he lays on his back; looking up at the ceiling.

I lean over and kiss his cheek, then lay my head on his chest.

"I love you." I say, and his chest again.

"I love you too." He says quickly after.

It isn't long before Axel has to get back to his room. He has been gone a while and we don't want anyone to notice that he has gone missing.

I walk him to the door. His hand is on the door knob when I tug on his opposite hand. He turns back to look at me. I kiss him again, making it harder for him to leave.

"I can't do this any longer." Axel says with pleading his eyes. 

"I know, babe. Just one more day, and then we can go home. And get back our normal life." I say. He nods his head, and then leaves my room.

I pout a little, seeing his back disappear out of my room.

Just one more day.

The next morning, I wake up in a bad mood again. Every morning I wake up, and expect Axel to be there, but he's not. I know that the time apart just to prove a point to our families may be a tad bit dramatic but the Royal family has always had a way of dictating the lives of their close family members. It's just something that has always been put down upon the Royal family members. An expectation, a duty. This is something that needs to come to an end. 

I shake my head from the thoughts swirling around. Taking a deep breath, I pull the covers and my body mindlessly carries me to the bathroom, turning on the water for a shower. 

Today is our last day here, we actually get on a plane tonight. I've never been this excited for something.

After my shower, I find an outfit to wear, and then put on some light make-up. I decide to come out of my bedroom for the first time in days. I open the door, and take a deep breath of the fresh air. After our little show fight, I had left the house but due to the security issue, our security team urged me to return to the house. I had been staying in the spare bedroom for a day or two.

I head down to the kitchen, and find everyone already there, even Axel.

Time to put on a show.

My mom looks up and when she sees me, she's shocked. I give her a small smile.

"Good to see everyone's well rested." Axel's grandmother says.

I turn to her and she smiles at me, but it's hard to miss the hard stare of Alice right behind her. 

Isn't she a ray of sunshine. I remark to Axel on our mindlink. He notices almost immediately who I am referring too. 

She's been a pill to say the least. She will get over it. Axel replies.

The table stays quiet as I begin to eat my breakfast. It's Anne, Axel's grandmother, that breaks said silence. "Well I was thinking for our last day we could do some shopping this morning before taking one last swim this afternoon. If anyone is up for going to dinner tonight, we could do that as well."

No one responds.

"Sounds great grandma." Axel says. Just hearing his voice makes my wolf happy. 

I glance at him, but don't let my eyes linger to long. I finish eating the fruit on my plate and excuse myself from the table, I head towards the deck. 


"Why don't you go join your mate?" My grandfather asks, me in a low voice. I look around the table and it seems like no one heard or they are doing a good job of not showing it. 

"She isn't my mate anymore. She rejected me." 

"She is still your mate. Even if she walks away." He says. I sigh. I don't want to lie to my family, but they need to learn and respect that Carter and I are going to make the decisions for our family and our lives.  

I get up and excuse myself. I head up stairs to my room, and get ready for the day. Once I have a new outfit on and clean underwear, I pack up my stuff, and bring it down stairs. There are some people coming to pick up our stuff, and bring it to the airport. 

Instead of heading back to the kitchen with my family, I head outside. It's a shame that we didn't get to enjoy this place as much as we could. I'll have to come back here with Carter some time. 

Cater's POV 

I sit out at the table, watching the waves roll by after eating my fruit. I feel bad about what I'm doing to my family. Especially to Axel, he doesn't deserve this. I have to think of some way to make it up to him. 

I think of an idea, but am I ready for that? I love Axel. We're mates, I want to spend my life with him, but he's ready for the next step in our lives, and I don't think I am. I know he's trying his best to be nice but I am afraid one day he will get sick of waiting for me to be ready. 

I want kids, always have and now that I've met Axel that desire has only gotten stronger. Maybe it's time, I rethink the whole kids thing....

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